
[DeviantArt] Chaotic-Fayth
[Y!Gallery] ChaoticFayth
[Fanfiction.net] ChaoticFayth
[LiveJournal] ChaoticFayth
[Xanga] ChaoticFayth
[Neopets] Yoshi_Hybrid
[The CCF] Admin

TWITTER: @ChaoticFayth

Crazed fangirl w/scythe seeks relief from plotbunnies of doom which delight in taking over her mind. If such relief is discovered, she can usually be found amongst the worlds of Azeroth and Outland, taking screenshots, and if not there, you'll most likely find her buried beneath a pile of ravenous fanfictions.


Life and Times of the CF

Random thoughts and blurbs. Read at your own risk.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

la faux pas

Report | 06/26/2010 2:09 pm

la faux pas

I dropped a pane of glass on it. I had cleaned it and was putting it back into my coffee table and I just dropped it. They did a good job sowing the peice back up though.

She mean my avatar?
la faux pas

Report | 06/25/2010 11:13 pm

la faux pas

Thank you!

Your's is looking extremely spiffy as well. I love that new hat!

So, guess what...I cut off part of my toe the other day. Lost about a pint of blood, went into shock, and then passed out. Then I woke up, went to the hospital, got the chunk reattached, and am now taking a couple of days off to recuperate.
la faux pas

Report | 06/20/2010 8:59 am

la faux pas

Oh, that's too bad. Well, we should do it anyway.

I'm not doing anything except working. I like it, and I hate it at the same time. I'm supervising Fassnight this year, so it's a lot more work than I had anticipated, but I do enjoy it. It's just different because there's always something going on every minute so I hardly ever get to sit down and catch my breath.

What about you? I remember you were looking for a job. Find anything?
la faux pas

Report | 06/20/2010 8:25 am

la faux pas


Whoops. That's so weird, I checked my inbox and didn't see any from you. I must've accidentally deleted them awhile ago. Was it anything important?
la faux pas

Report | 06/19/2010 6:56 pm

la faux pas


It's not me that needs to reply is it? So, how's life been going? we haven't talked or hung out in ages. Are you getting ready for Barataria?
la faux pas

Report | 06/18/2010 6:55 pm

la faux pas

Whoa, love the username change, and the avatar, and that it looks like you might actually become active again.
la faux pas

Report | 07/26/2009 9:17 pm

la faux pas

pinch poke, you owe me a coke....

What's been happening?
la faux pas

Report | 06/13/2009 8:53 pm

la faux pas

That'll be good. So how's everything else going for you right now?
la faux pas

Report | 06/13/2009 8:45 pm

la faux pas

Good for you. So, what about Ash? Are you two still getting a place together?
la faux pas

Report | 06/13/2009 6:52 pm

la faux pas

Actually, I think the pools are closed on July 4, so that might be possible. It really just depends on what we're doing that day at home. What time does the fair open?

Oh, and congrats about moving. What brought that situation around?


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