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Robby Hero

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paradiseoflowers Report | 04/10/2012 6:02 am
um, you should give her time to think... smile
just be there for her... smile
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 04/08/2012 9:20 am
you will just keep pinching me talking like that right? I am not a monster or like the majority of idiots around here who does not give a damn to what their friends say get it? what huge sin have I committed by not talking about my problems with you? you don't get this that I don't want to worry or burden you by being one dead depressing emo kid huh? and NO don't say you are used to getting hurt, I struggle everyday in my life-----the moment I wake up from sleep, some people in this life expresses and some DONT----- which is what exactly I do......... I DO NOT EXPRESS!!! and that's no reason for you to get upset or feel hurt just because I don't open up and I told you the reason I don't open up.
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 04/08/2012 8:54 am
-sighs- now that not fair! why are you talking like this way? you know very well it was not my intention, I was sad and I did not wanted to bother you or my other friends by talking about all these so please stop taking things negatively..... and I do apologize that my silence made you feel sad, I am not mad at you or anything or anybody.......... just going through a lot on real life
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 04/08/2012 8:38 am
for making you feel bad
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 04/06/2012 8:53 am
....... sad -hugs you tight- I am sorry........ cry
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 04/05/2012 1:53 am
I am not ignoring you or anything, I am just going through difficult times for real--------university, real life friend circle, other personal problems and why do you feel like that way? I mean every time you comment/pm me I do reply you back.
paradiseoflowers Report | 04/02/2012 9:11 pm
You are a sweet friend Robby... ^^
Just be there for her... smile
paradiseoflowers Report | 03/23/2012 2:13 am
its ok...
and yep! im a Filipino...
Are you a Filipino too?
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 03/23/2012 1:07 am
-sighs- whats up with the status? you know I hate it when my friends write stuffs like that.............I just wish to be alone for a while and you get mad because I don't want to talk about it and this is not fair AT ALL!!
I mean okay lets imagine for a while that I talked about it then what? There is no solution!!! but I appreciate that you wanted to help, trust me I really do.
VampirePrincessKuranYuuki Report | 03/23/2012 12:39 am
its nothing really and talking about it is completely pointless trust me.... cause it will give no solution......simple nothing at all.


