
Gnomes do it better =)

And no, we aren't the pointy hat things you see in people lawns, they are a splinter group that hobo around on people's lawns and they are annoying as hell.

I guess I'm getting too old for this...NAH! I'm 24, but I still have a love affair with Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon. I also have interests in Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e and 5e, indie and rock music, dubstep, politics, books, and surfing the information super highway.

My Vinyl collection is cooler than yours.

Have a great day =)

Current submission in arena!

This is it, my first real breath of fresh air since my demon possession. The demon promised me so much, traveling this world and others. The part they didn't disclose was that they were in a deadly war across time and space and they constantly had to replenish their ranks. If I had known all the terrible warcrimes it would make me commit then I would never had accepted its offer. I finally killed it, with a ritual created by a necromancer, the last step is to transfer the demon to something else. I transferred it to the dogtags I was given by the demonic generals. I will bury these tags here, to mark the ground where I won this battle. I pity the poor b*****d that happens across this foul item. The whole demon army can suck it. I will devote the rest of my life to ridding this world and others of all demonkind. Luckily I have their tech, and the demon powers. They won't see me coming.


Viewing 12 of 39 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/23/2015 8:39 pm


Hi, you commented on my avatar in the arena. you asked "why does my wolf have wings.." or something like that. To answer your question, the Title of my avatar is "Wolf Demon". So there for its half 'wolf' and half 'demon'. Hence the wings. Get it?

Report | 10/02/2011 7:12 pm


Yay! I won the puzzle game on extreme.... >_> bwhahahah!!!
S c u b a  B e a r

Report | 12/25/2010 9:14 am

S c u b a B e a r

I miss you too! It's pretty great. biggrin I hope your's is amazing!

Report | 12/23/2010 11:12 am


Oh you poor thing! Come here and nursey will chop it off for you, then kiss it to make it feel better. ♥ *raises hatchet*

Report | 12/20/2010 2:31 pm


thanks for buying mrgreen

Report | 02/07/2010 10:31 am


.................. S C U B A B E A R WAS HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1111!!!!1!11!! LUZ LUZ
S c u b a  B e a r

Report | 12/28/2009 12:33 am

S c u b a B e a r

Darling, it's been forever man. Check your gaia occasionally?

Report | 04/09/2009 9:06 am


omgoodness!!! i haven't been on here in so long!!!

Report | 01/30/2009 10:04 am


hey. haven't talked in a while. whats new wit u????

Report | 12/14/2008 1:48 pm


Why don't you ever get on here anymore?
I miss you sooo much
and I can't wait to see you again.
When I can see you, Amanda, and Sadie,
I has a special suprise for all of you.
<3 I love you!!!!