
Baret Bloodstone's avatar

Last Login: 05/05/2012 12:22 am

Registered: 01/16/2008

Gender: Male

Location: None Ya Damn Busines

Birthday: 05/13/1989

Occupation: Wannbe writer

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Incase you care.

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Axle Monza (No he is not related to KH in any way!)

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This is one of my book charecters Axle Monza. He can summon tigers, and other types of felines. The wolf puppy just follows him around and won't leave him alone. (Different story form Avi.)

My People

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(My Naruto RP Character)Ishiryu of the village hidden in the mist or at least thats the first plase to have a record of him.

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Another Naruto Character of mine, even though he hails from the land of lighting, Kundo can't use lighting jutsu at all. Instead he uses Earth and Water style jutsu. His ice blue hair has always gotten him noticed more then he would like. His scared eye came from an accedent during a training session when his training patner summoned a crow to test Koudo's reation time. He wasn't fast enough and the crow clawed his eye.


I sell a lot of useless crap, and I do negotiate price so If you see something want and don't have the cash for lets deal.


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Anthony Cyanide Christ Report | 07/10/2011 10:21 am
Anthony Cyanide Christ
Truuuuueee..... stare
Anthony Cyanide Christ Report | 06/25/2011 6:05 pm
Anthony Cyanide Christ
And why is that, my friend?
~Le~Squiggle~ Report | 07/26/2010 9:40 am
~Le~Squiggle~ Report | 06/14/2010 6:31 pm
Kuri The Elf Report | 05/12/2010 10:37 am
Kuri The Elf
happy happy happy birthday from krissy to you
happy happy happy brithday from krissy to you!
Kuri The Elf Report | 09/15/2009 7:08 am
Kuri The Elf
-claws neck- ow....
Kuri The Elf Report | 09/14/2009 5:28 am
Kuri The Elf
bite me! 4laugh User Image
Kuri The Elf Report | 09/13/2009 6:30 am
Kuri The Elf
lol wow....i guess so
Kuri The Elf Report | 09/11/2009 3:40 pm
Kuri The Elf
User Image
Kuri The Elf Report | 09/11/2009 2:47 pm
Kuri The Elf
big brother!!!!!!!!!

My avitar's story.

If you wish I can create a story for any avi you can make. Just give me a name an appearance and a personality or If you want I can make them up for you. It works like this 100 gold for each part I have to make up my self. For example if all I have to do is write the story its 100 gold, if I have to make the story and appreance it's 200 gold, ect. SHORT STORIES ARE FREE!!!!!

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Random crap.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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Random questions!
Name: Friends call me either Bear or Baret.
Age: 20
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 270 lb.
Eye Color: Both my eyes have blue, and green swarled together
Hair Color: Red
Single or Taken: Single. To ugly to be taken
Job: techacly unemployed, but I fancy myself a writer.

Personally: Street fighter pure and simple, pay me enough and go after any guy you want. I don't go after kids or women, your on you own there.

Just Plain Randomness
Fave Food: Don't have one
Fave Drink: Don't have one
Fave Past Time: Writing and Reading.
Fave game: Ones that get out frustration.
Fave movie: Don't have one
Fave Book: Manga
Fave Pet: I don't have any pets

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i adopted a chibi!
name:Hungry Garra
likes:Eatting stuffed animals, pushing little girls down
doesn't like:Cute things, and you(ugly)
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

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i adopted a chibi!
name:Non talking L
likes:Cookies, and soft things *like Misa's butt*
doesn't like:Cell phones *duh* and Light *sun light that is*
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

User Image
i adopted a chibi!
name:MY HINATA!!
likes:Me, and that little p***k Naruto for some reason.
doesn't like: Her cousin Neji, he's a d**k
owner: MIIIIIIIIINE!!!!! You touch her and there won't be anything left of you to find.
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

User Image
likes:Choping things up and pissing people off
doesn't like:Bullies and Aizen
owner:He has no owner, last person to try and give him orders was found in the cement foundation of a building
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

Ein Teufel
Famfrit Earthshaker
Chimera Velius
Baret Bloodstone
Kuri The Elf


The Bloodstone Family

The Valentine family.

The Hallow family

Sin Bloodstone (The Smart one)

Jako Bloodstone (My silent twin brother)

Baret Bloodstone (The psychotic twin)

My mental dopplerganger

The only woman loco enough to date Famfrit

The angel of human form.

The three families of life
Heaven - The Hallow famliy.
Earth - The Valentine family.
Hell - The Bloodstone family.

Angel Bloodstone (The baby sister of the family)