Mistress of Death

Nesana's avatar

Last Login: 06/09/2018 5:48 pm

Registered: 12/19/2007

Gender: Female

A p***k of blood is all that is needed to sign this contract to be next within Death's eyes

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What to see upon the Mistress of Death

Have you come to speak to the Mistress of Death?

Watch and listen, hear her sorrow


The darkness sings, the darkness is near

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Letters of the forgotten

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Within the mind of a Dark Writer


In the eyes of the seen, of a death within love that could never be...

"What do you know of me, what do you know, you speak as though you know me but you don't, your words are poison like the biten apple to keep the ones drunken asleep within your poison..."

His hand raised and her mouth shut, narrowing her eyes upon him, he to be calm and so collective and she with tears is looking as it just begun, and yet he spoke, spoke clear and true,

"We are different, yes we are, you speak of poison, what poison have been drunk, you look to me with love and hate. But light and dark cannot be seen, especially when we are but enemies..."

Her eyes filled with tears, his words stung like a dagger to her heart, a shake of her head as she peered at him,

"We are what we are, we seek what we seek...and we are supposedly quieted witin the depth of being a fool, a fool of us to fall in love, and at the same time to hate..."

His eyes look to her watery aquas, as though the heart strings were pulling to comfort but he stood where he stood not making a daring move, they could not be, it was not meant to be, there was only one thing to do it would pain him too, the one thing is to kill his love, the love that stood in front of him,

"I have but no choice, if you do not leave, you must lay to rest..."

Eyes widen at the spoken of his words, she took a step back but hesitated as she nod her head,

"Then I shall die loving you, what more then I could ask, what pain could we not see, and the love that we had could never be..."

She came close to him for just one last kiss, the one kiss that led them to where they are, her lips quivered upon his, though he kissed her no less with what love he could send to her before her death. The jagged dagger hit her heart, she gasped against his lips, her eyes closed as the white dress faded within red, her lips parted from him as he caught her before she fell, and the only whispered words he to speak before he felt her soul leave,

"You will always be my love....but we are light and dark...our kin will never let it be.....but you are within my heart"

He picked his love up, and he walked the dark path, taking her to the sea where she have always love to be.

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Come my dears let us speak, let us see, what is behind these close doors

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Loydem Report | 08/01/2015 8:05 am
Yesss! I'm always lurking around. XD
How has the lovely Nesana been?! : D
Gin Rizue Report | 09/25/2014 10:28 am
Gin Rizue
Haha more than you know ninja
Gin Rizue Report | 09/06/2014 4:41 pm
Gin Rizue
Gin Rizue Report | 09/05/2014 6:14 pm
Gin Rizue
Describe the gun....jog my memory...
Gin Rizue Report | 08/31/2014 8:41 pm
Gin Rizue
Not long enough that I'd forget my goof friend. And let them come for me, I've got plenty of blade for the lot of 'em. *grins* Welcome back.
Gin Rizue Report | 08/30/2014 4:39 pm
Gin Rizue
Nesana...my good friend! =) I'm so happy to hear from you...it has been too long.
Loydem Report | 01/20/2013 12:10 pm
Well thank you! ^_^
Loydem Report | 12/04/2012 1:21 pm
Lol Welp I'm sorry to say, but after today I probably will not be logging back on. It's been nice knowing ya and talking to ya. Maybe we'll meet in person someday if fate is on our side.
Loydem Report | 12/04/2012 7:30 am
True, true. And nah I'm so boring that I make a line look interesting.
Loydem Report | 12/03/2012 6:26 am
Yeah I did, but Gaia's getting old again. Lol I dunno, a brother or sister maybe?