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Pathological Dreamer

Just some thoughts, maybe a rant or two... or three. I want to get involved in Gaia again, maybe not to the point I used to be (spending the ENTIRE day on gaia) but checking it a lot more often.




User ImageHi, my name is Jessica, or Jay as a lot of people like to call me. I found Gaia while I was randomly surfing the tides of the net. I was probably searching for fanart or something else anime related, when I found this little link to Gaia. I joined and now here I am several years later writing about myself. =)

User ImageAn about me section is about me, so here it goes. First and foremost, I'm a Christian. I'm not belligerent about it, it's just a big part of who I am (Hence "about me" >‿‿◕). I'm also a college graduate (I have a Bachelors of Science in Social Work) and now work full time (finally!!!).

User ImageI love anime and manga. The art of anime has always been sort of a bias, focus point. I seldom can stand anime or manga very long if I don't like the artwork. My all time favorite anime (so far anyways) is Fullmetal Alchemist. I've seen both the first (+movie) and Brotherhood versions and I love them both for various reasons.

User Image <3 EBay. I love Fruits Basket too. Though I own the series on DVD, I like the manga more (though I somehow haven't managed to finish it yet). There's more anime I like/love, I just don't feel like listing them now. =D

User ImageI love reading (mostly fantasy but also some historic fiction). Another love is my music. I am SO eclectic in my music tastes I really won't even try listing it all. It really all depends on my mood and what I feel like listening to, though I guess most of the songs I like tend to be on the more energetic side. However I can't even say that's any kind of rule. I guess you just have to know me.

User ImageAnd one last thing. I ♥ my friend Mel. Who I met on this awesome site and have become best friends with. We even got to meet each other in person. Mel, you're just awesome. DX<

Notes to the drafty soul!

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Nekotean Report | 04/26/2018 12:11 pm
Thanks for buying

RavingProductions Report | 04/19/2018 3:01 pm
Pleasure doing business with you, stranger! have a great day!
CaptainJack89 Report | 03/30/2018 3:57 am
I am not gonna lie, I am the dork that checks it daily still. It became a morning routine and now that they have daily log in bonuses it is kinda worth it for me. redface
I Ceymore Ratz Report | 03/14/2018 9:46 pm
I Ceymore Ratz
It's allUser Image Business.
Ceymore Report | 02/03/2016 6:27 pm
moomaid Report | 04/18/2012 3:41 pm
Thanks for buying!!!
ChicMalice Report | 03/23/2012 5:42 pm
Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
vampiregirl_night_13 Report | 03/21/2012 4:24 pm
thanks for the buy!! i hope you enjoy the item ^-^
Gekkou_Ansatsusha Report | 03/20/2012 12:38 pm
Thank you for buying my shirt!
RP DOLL Report | 03/20/2012 7:22 am
Cool avi
xX Slytheria Xx
floating red
RPGurl Jay

The Pathological Dreamer, Jay