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Hey my names Kadija [ I'm 16 going on 20 ] [ Yea its earl in the paragraph but please donate so i can get my dream avi, but only donate it you WANT to ], i'm hyperactive but that doesnt change a thing in my life but everything. I'm not the same as everyone else but i wouldnt have that any other way. I have trouble asking out guys and i mean a big trouble i get all shaky haha its pretty pathetic haha. Sometimes i have trouble paying attention and that sometimes gets on my teachers nerves but my friends learn to deal not to be mean or anything. I'm get pissed pretty easy at times around certain people. I pretty much have the WORST self-esteem issue i think no guy likes me thats brought by the past. I hate people who arent honest but at the same time i'm not always honest but that just kinda comes with human nature. I'm silly, outta control, but some of my friends couldnt see me any other way. I'm do stupid things,i have a past to long for 500 pages to hold,I like anime even though people say its stupid.I like hanging at the mall and long walks on the beach..... No i'm just kidding. Anyway i couldnt go a day without at least texting one person, it's just a habbit. I'm going away for while and i wont be at school. I will miss my friends even though i'll be in lexington and i'll go home, i wont be at school they say at max for 4 weeks......

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Total Value: 257,076 Gold
After Exclusions: 195,322 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Pearl Sparkle Empire Dress
Gift of the Goddess
Egyptian Cobra Headband
Holy Gauntlets
Lovely Genie White Bangled Bra
Gold & White Saloon Girl Feather Headpiece
Picolitrosso's Urn
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet

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Total Value: 228,255 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dreamer's Dust
Mythrill Halo
Winter Rose
White Hachimaki
White Cobweb Stockings
Enchanted Strings
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Powdered Sugarplum Tutu
Sugarplum Slippers
Powdered Sugarplum Puff Sleeves
Powdered Sugarplum Bodice

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Total Value: 246,448 Gold
After Exclusions: 210,093 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
White Hachimaki
Tiny Pixie Wings
Winter Rose
White Tabi
Buddhist Monk's Rosary White
Buddhist Monk's Rosary White
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Egyptian White Linen Dress
Coocoon (3rd Gen)

Why always is it what if ask yourself?

when your skys are dark and the clouds are rolling in and when you can feel the sprinkles ever so lightly dancing on your skin teasing you with every drop
asking you with a light whisper to play in the darkening road while the car rolls down at the speed of light and the water it beating you rough and scratchy and all you can feel is the car in your stomach and the pain rushing through
every bone pounding
your head in a frightening spin
but yet you can still feel the rain pounding on your skin
rougher than ever itchey as wool
and painful as a gun shoot
and still the rain falls and the car still drives
and now as you lay on the road cold and alone
you'll remember the light whispers of the dancing rain drops
they now dance in bright red puddles
with every bit of elegance
and from that moment on you can no longer trust
those whispers to play and the road you now lay on
you must feel bad for being so gulable
for being taunted by the whispering rain
so now as you lay on the ground
you can see another car and you can now feel your hand being crushed
the bone bending in the flesh being ripped
to peices and car after car you wis you never played in that darkening road
in the middle of the nine eleven night


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


I got no one and i'm kinda happy with that

I dont like life sometimes but i gotta learn to deal

I dont know what to say Um.... cant spell and that is what i lovve about me I love Deathnote_guy he is possibly the only one who keeps me from not killing myself


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Dncara Chan

Report | 09/14/2009 3:16 am

Dncara Chan


Report | 03/26/2009 6:09 pm


Wow, I really love your profile , it's so pretty. *zones out for a moment*

Yeah, just a random comment, sorry about that.

Report | 01/10/2009 7:58 pm


thank you! (^-^)
Dncara Chan

Report | 12/25/2008 8:01 am

Dncara Chan

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image :heart User Image User Image User Image

Report | 12/17/2008 1:20 pm


Virtual Toxic

Report | 12/12/2008 5:23 pm

Virtual Toxic

hi can i add u

Report | 12/09/2008 9:20 pm



Report | 12/09/2008 5:04 pm


yepps i can tell! xD

oh i have to go.. T.T byez! =D

Report | 12/09/2008 4:57 pm


just checkin! =)

Report | 12/09/2008 4:34 pm


could i add u to my friends? or is that weird? User Image


And when the world turns away she's just hoping, he's there to love
She Thrives on him, because without him there would be no her

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