
i've basically quit gaia and i like it that way. every six months or so someone mentions it and i come back on and look at the two messages i've gotten about people's birthdays. stop getting older, i don't care.

Thank You,
Sergeant Panda: gills
Arquis: zorro mask
Sonteloo: Oct. 07 letter
la_gatita_valeria: refurbished sheet

Strawberry Myst:
first art<3
Deborah teh Cutie:
she really is a cutie ^.^
XxSilentxAngelxX :
amazing artist
TheBlob-lx: simply adorable.
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/04/2011 9:54 pm


copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich

Report | 05/04/2011 6:52 am


Yea, I usually get all my beads when they go out of season and on sale. xD I hate buying them online because I like to see what color and texture they are in real life.

Report | 05/03/2011 12:39 pm


Trust me, I know budgets. I have never been able to spend much money on anything. xO That's why I have to get so creative when making things! Lol, And yea, I crochet a lot. I don't as much jewelry as I used to because it's such an expensive hobby.
Angelic Lion Of Love

Report | 05/02/2011 12:04 pm

Angelic Lion Of Love

mmmmmm *Begins to crave penut butter m&m's*
I was in public school from kindergarden through 8th grade smile I began homeschooling in my freshman year 3nodding
I would want it to be outside, like this place in montana where i used to live, in the mountains with these beautiful waterfalls! I wonder if that place is still there... whee

Report | 05/02/2011 2:00 am


I wear them to all sorts of anime/video game conventions. And that's really it. I've always wanted to go to local cosplay gatherings, but they're always being held at malls, and my outfits aren't suited for that kind of environment. Lol.

Also, here are some of those progress pics from my Deviantart site.


In my experience, I learned that I needed MUCH more wire. More and more and MORE strength! Lol. I got to wear it a few times, and then it broke, and that's because there wasn't enough wire.

Report | 05/01/2011 10:16 pm


*feels ashamed that she did not see this comment the other day!*
smile When my phone is fixed I will send you a text... OR I shall Facebook you.
It's been way, way, waaaay too long sweetheart.
I feel as if I owe you like a life time supply of cookies now. <3333

Report | 05/01/2011 1:49 am


Patterns really aren't that hard to read, honestly. You can also watch videos online on how to use and read them too. Vogue patterns (the really expensive ones) have the most in-depth instructions. They are my favorite. Others like McCall's, Simplicity, etc-- they assume that you know the ins and outs of sewing and whatnot. That's why I prefer Vogue. They go on sale at stores for about $1 a pattern quite often, so that's when I stock up. Lol.

I'll bring up the picture tomorrow and send some to you. It's all about self confidence in the end! Lol.

Report | 04/30/2011 8:29 pm


biggrin So I think the fates smile on us, for we are actually on at the same time~!
Hahahahaha, just cause I'm cool I have decided to bug you on this, for I haven't in such a long time. :3
And now for the important thing, we need to have a special awesome get together in celebration of another year of your amazing-ness!! <3333


Report | 04/30/2011 7:45 pm


Hun, you can bug me with whatever questions you want, lol. Anyhow, thank you very much! My boyfriend and I put tons and tons of work into these blasted things, it really means a lot when people show appreciation for them!

It depends on what I need to make. Like, right now, I'm working on Jane and George JEtson (as well as others), and I bought a few patterns to use while sewing. I'm going to have to alter them a bit, but for things like sewing, I'm not the best at patterning stuff out quite yet. But when I did Fran and Slave Leia, it was all eyeballing it. I stared and stared at pictures for EVER to figure out what to do. It was snip here, cut there, bend here, hold it up to me, and then re-do it all over again!

I still have my Slave work in progress pictures-- specifically working on the bra. If you'd like to see them, I'd be glad to show them too you, and give you advice based on what I learned making the damn thing. :3
Angelic Lion Of Love

Report | 04/30/2011 10:27 am

Angelic Lion Of Love

The marathon that I'm training for is half marathon, that's 13.1 miles smile I don't have to wake up in the morning for school because I'm homeschooled smile I have a lot on my plate so I decided to homeschool for all of highschool so I can take duel enrollment (that's where I take collage classes in high school for collage credit) and I'm graduating a year early also. smile
Oh! Happy birthday!!! biggrin i also love weddings! smile my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy because I'm always talking about what my dream wedding would be. XD


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hot oil is where we fat fries chill.