Chp. 1
Their culture was a secretive one hidden from the prying and damning eyes of humans. They were a feared people though they were scattered. There were few traditions that would force them to gather as they did today.
The season of choosing. The time when all their young, unattached pups would find their mate. It was an unavoidable urge built into their chemistry. Once they reached maturity they were forced by their own bodies to find their soul match. It was both a serious and uncontrolled matter in order to preserve the species.
Zasha stood quietly to the side of the large gathering of young. Already bordering on too old for the ritual she had finally begun to show the signs. Her kin wore clothing from all walks of life as they had come from far corners of the globe. She saw the loin clothes and breast bands of those who forsook their humanity altogether to those wearing lavish robes and ornaments from the far east. There was even a few westerners in their garish dresses and penny-suits. Watching them all with impassive blue eyes she wore the clothes befitting her station as one of the few “nobles” of their kind left. Her father had lamented when she had passed the usual age most show the signs of being ready with no hint that she would be mated. But now, wearing naught but the old celtic garb they had worn for ages she felt utterly naked. Nothing but a thin simple robe with a woven belt and the metal torc about her neck showing her status.
Hair the color of ripe straw grew in waves and was held back by a string of leather in a low braid. And paint marked her cheeks like all the others to announce their participation in the event tonight. Eyes scanning the crowds Zasha was bemused behind her icy mask. 'so many people, there must be over a hundred!'
So many to see, so many to choose from. And one of them was keyed to her as much as she would know the instant she came in contact with him.
Both excited and frightened all at once she struggled to keep her well-trained poise and continued to watch. A hush drew over the group of young werewolves and all eyes turned to the rocks by the cliff where her Uncle now stood upon.
“Young pups! Today is a momentous and wonderful day for all of you. Today is the day you become one with your other half and find the joy in finding that part of your soul you've been missing. Today you will listen to your body for it is your steady guide in this confusing time.” He continued on, speaking about history and tradition. Zasha had heard this all before. She had been through this ceremony four times now at her father's behest even though she had shown no signs. She was twenty one years of age and was possibly one of the oldest here. Instead she took to studying her uncle. Leader of their pack and chief of their traditions and ceremonies. He wore a cape of many different animals over his tall and broad frame. He had a grizzled beard and black hair tied back in a que. Wearing a vest and breeches he was imposing to look upon. Her own father was nothing like him. And some days she wished she had taken more after her Uncle Zen. Her own straw hair though smooth, could never achieve that tamed wildness, and her features were too soft and round to be called mature. One small mercy was that her build was similar to his. She was tall, and toned though still curving with that feminine shape. Eyes piercing blue she had been told were from her mother. She had never known her. Her father was lean and sinewy, hair the same golden color as hers and with a boyish face he seemed never to have grown out of.
Her uncle exuded strength while she just looked like a young, too serious, girl. Finally people began to fidget with impatience as her uncle's speech came to an end. The smell of pheramones in the air agitating their sensitive noses. Her uncle did not bother to introduce her this time. Everyone knew who she was by now. Zasha, the daughter of Dir who had not found a mate and was almost too old for healthy breeding by their races standards.
No one pointed this out to her to her face. At least, not anymore. A few scraps and tussles and more than one bloody gashes had ceased any mockeries.
A melancholy fell on Zasha as the young around her began to remove their clothing in preparation for the change. All shyness aside now she huffed a resigned sigh and removed her simple robe and belt, leaving her skin bare to the breeze. The only thing she continued to wear was her torque which was made by their own kind to never hinder their shift.
Then to wait. All eyes turned to the sky as the starry night winked their lights at them, the moon slowly appearing over the cliff face. Many here so far had already felt the change. Felt the morph of smooth skin and fingers to fur and claw. But there were a few where tonight would be their first. Where the chemicals and scents in the air of all the others changing around them would trigger their primative self and force them to change.
Zasha had been able to change since she was a child. This was nothing new to her.
As the moon fully appeared, it's bright orb glaring at them all, Zasha felt it time and triggered her own reflexes as her body took over the rest. All she knew durring that time was pain, and all she heard was the other groans and growls of the others starting to change around her. There were a few startled yips and cries.
And where Zasha had been, now stood on four legs a wolf with auburn hair and piercing blue eyes. Eyes now looking serenely at the rest of them. Half of the others had already changed as well and were loping off into the woods. Some were still changing, their bodies half-formed as the painful transition converted their physical selves. She felt pity for those who's first time was tonight. She could spot them. They were frightened, panting and yipping in terror as their bodies figured out what to do.
Giving herself a shake she bounded off, a determined growl in her throat as she made her way into the trees. There were wolves darting everywhere in the bush. A few had already paired in in this short time and were trotting back to the ceremony grounds in pairs to be officially matched and recognized by the elders. She gave them but a passing, sullen glance as she wandered. The night dragged on and still none approached her. She felt none that she need approach either. Sitting bitterly her maw opened in a keening howl that split the playful yipping and growling like a knife.
'Damn this all to hell...' she thought, laying down. 'guess even when my body wants it, no one wants me.' She moped for a bit longer, her head on her paws and then slowly got up, her tail low.
'Well, it's not often I'm given this freedom to change and run, might as well make the best of it...' So with head held high and her tail straight she took off into the night like the wild beast she was. Catching the scent of a rabbit, she began to follow it, eventually finding it to begin the chase. The small animal took off at break-neck speed to avoid her but she kept pace until she began to tire. Chuckling to herself she began to feel joy as the wind whipped through her fur and she felt the steady stride of her paws hitting the earth in rhythim to her heart. The rabbit got away but she hadn't really wanted to catch it. So she turned around and began to head back, sprinting just as she had before. Dawn was coming and she needed to head back lest she worry her father and uncle.
Sprinting through the trees she did not see the wolf until she had barreled right into it. They rolled in a tangle, growling and snapping both in shock and anger. Finally when they stopped, the shock of it had startled them both back into their human shapes. Zasha was pinned, and above her loomed a man. He had his hands on her arms, holding her down. And when he noticed this, his eyes widened then flickered to her neck where the torque rested. Letting out a yelp he flung himself off her and scrambled backwards. They were both breathing heavily from the running and their scuffle. Pushing herself up she sat there and stared at her forearms where he had touched her. It felt like it was on fire. Looking up she found him staring both at her and his hands in turns.
She found herself sweating as she continued to look at him. Nakedness was nothing to be ashamed of to her kind, but right now she was dearly wishing for her robe back at the ceremony sight.
Blue eyes met steel grey as she looked at his face for the first time. He was a big man, with hair down to his shoulders the color of oak bark. It looked like it had been tied back but it was messed from the change and their rolling. Olive tanned skin colored him and his mouth was agape as they stared. She promptly reminded herself to close her mouth as he eyes wandered down the muscled planes of his chest, then abrutply shot back to his face as her cheeks burned.
“....Hi....” The man greeted tentatively. Finally lowering his hands and sitting properly.
“..Hullo...” Zasha replied lamely. Her arms still burning and her stomach doing flip flops as she pulled her legs to her chest in a futile attempt to cover herself. Is this what this was supposed to feel like? This burning sensation spreading from where he'd touched on her arms to the rest of her? She felt like she was on fire! In contradiction to this, she began to shiver.
Upon seeing this, the man got up and walked over to her. Clearly unabashed as he reached out a wary hand to her. Zasha stared at his hand like it was a poisonous snake. His palms were red like they'd been rubbed raw, and his hand and arm was as muscular as the rest of him.
“I'm Iiven...” He introduced himself. “and I suppose we should be heading back to the circle grounds...”
“Zasha...” She dropped her eyes, and reached to grab his hand. That same burning feeling hit the both of them as their palms touched. And she almost let go again, he almost did too as he hauled her up upon hearing her name. His jaw dropped again and a look of confusion entered his face.
“Dir's Zasha?” He asked as he pulled her the rest of the way up. Not letting go of her hand.
“Yes... is that a problem?” She looked up into his face again. Anger now making her face burn as she yanked her hand away. Iiven seemed shocked at the abrupt change and floundered for words.
“No, it's just... ah... I... oh, never mind... it's nothing...” He trailed off and began to walk away. After a few strides he looked back at her, her feet still glued to the forest floor and arched an eyebrow at her. “Are you coming? Make sure you can keep up.” And with that he flashed a cocky grin and smoothly morphed into a dark-haired wolf, still grinning as he loped off. Glaring at the retreating form Zasha growled and felt her body transform. Going smoothly from two feet to four she had barely finished when she was already after him, her stride lengthening to catch up.
'Keep up he says?! I'll show him how well I can keep up...' Still confused and in a little bit of awe what she felt most right now was anger. Was he disappointed to get the Leader's unmated old niece? And what the hell was that challenge? Keep up...
She did just that and more, catching up to him took only a few minutes, and after that she began to match him stride for stride, slowly pulling ahead. If she had bothered to look at him as she sprinted onward she would have seen the boyish mirth in his eyes as he watched her run. Then, with a yipping chuckle he suddenly sprang into a higher gear, distancing her again so all she saw was the occasional flick of his tail through the trees. Growling she at least kept him in sight. Then she lost him altogether until she reached the edge of the clearing. He stood there, swear glistening on him as he gulped for air, a broad grin on his face as he turned to see her loping up.
Changing smoothly from wolf to woman, she too was bathed in sweat and her chest heaving for oxygen. Glowering at him she walked up to him. Angry but not quite sure why she just settled for gazing at him with seething rage. He took it all in stride though and reached for her hand, smoothly grabbing it in his vice-like grip.
“Guess it's time to face the rest of them, hmm?”
'The rest of them...? What..? ….oh' It was then that it hit her, finally sunken in. This is what it was. This burning, aching sensation. All anger left her in a sudden gust of understanding. This Iisven, whoever he was... was her soul mate...? As he gently pulled on her arm, she followed on unsteady legs, her mind a rush of thoughts as they joined up with the rest of the paired couples. Elders and parents were bringing them their clothes again, and as her father came up she could see his eyes were misted, and there was a huge grin on his face as he gave over her robe and belt. Iisven finally released her hand as what looked like his mother brought him his breeches and shirt. All were barefoot tonight.
Thankful for the covering Zasha pulled the robe on and strapped the belt around her waist with a haste she hadn't known before.
Iisven was still grinning like a fool, and Zasha wasn't sure how she should be feeling. A small part of her was happy and excited, she'd finally found her match! The rest of her though was confused and angry. Why now? She had just been getting used to the fact that she'd be alone, that she'd have the freedom to do as she liked. Now she had a husband that she didn't even know, and was to be expected to have and raise his children. It was too much at once!
“Congratulations my little Zashina” Her father grinned, embracing her in a bear hug that knocked what air was left in her lungs out. “And you boy! May I have the pleasure of knowing who my son-in-law is?”
“His name's Iisven, son of Tor.” The woman pipped up, ruffling his hair. My father froze upon hearing the latter name. His caring hug grew protective as his eyes narrowed.
“Zasha, we're leaving...” He growled and began pulling her away. Iisven face grew hard and stoic.
“No... she's not to stay with you anymore” Iisven's voice had dropped in pitch, and his lip was curling. The woman looked bemused as her eyes darted from one male to the other.
“Iisven, I don't understand...”
“She is Zasha, daughter of Dir....” He growled through gritted teeth. “And she is now my mate”
The woman's hand flew to her mouth as she began to back away. Others were noticing the tension and began to back away from what was surely to be a fight. Iisven was dressed now, though looked no less imposing for it. Her father was turned the other way, pulling Zasha from him. Her heart began to pound as she grasped the implications of what her father was doing. He was physically taking her away from her mate! That an honour fight would ensue did not seem to matter to Dir. Though Zen had noticed the excitement and was pushing his way through the crowds.
“Father! What are you doing!? Whats wrong?!” She asked him frantically. Zasha was pulling at his grip, trying to remove his hand and get away. She was resisting her father?
“Dir! What's going on!” Zen's voice boomed over the muttering of the crowd. Zasha felt her face heat even more as the rest of the assembly's attention was now directed at them.
The grip on Zasha's wrist relaxed slightly as her Uncle made his way to them. Looking back she found that Iisven had tried to follow them with the crowd pressing him. Dir spun to face his brother, a look of such rage as it frightened Zasha that her father could be so uncontrolled.
“This Mutt has matched to my daughter!” He snarled, pointing at Iisven as the crowd hushed to dead silence. Iisven seethed as he finally forced his way through, Zasha took her chance to pull away from her father as Zen looked to her mate and back to Dir, understanding she had yet to achieve sobering his expression.
“Dir... I know how you must feel, but would you really remove your daughter from her rightful mate? Do you remember what would happen? You of all people should know this.” Zen placed a hand on his brother's shoulder and gave him a shake as Zasha moved away, closer to Iisven but still just out of reach. She did not know what was going on but she was still dazed by everything that had happened tonight.
“You should know that Tor has been banished from his pack, exiled from his people for his disgraceful actions...” Iisven growled through his teeth as he took a step towards Zasha. Eyes wild her attention darted from one male to the other, her head spinning. She had found her mate! But her father was visibly upset and angry with her pairing?! She thought he would be happy she had finally found it. But no, he had tried to take her away. She had heard horrible stories about those who had tried to separate mates. There was something much stronger than just an emotional bond.
Why was Zen implying her father had intimate knowledge of such a thing? A low growl escaped her throat as her hands balled into tight fists.
“Father... You shame me... on my Bonding Day...” She said low and quietly as Zen continued to try and talk sense to her increasingly agitated father. Dir perked up slightly upon hearing this, Both Zen and Dir turned to look at her, seeing her fury. Zen looked saddened as he looked upon her, but Dir's anger seemed to melt and change to a confused pain.
“My daughter, you do not know who..”
“Do not know?! No, I don't! Because apparently everybody knows why it is so terrible for me to be mated to this man but no one will tell me! I thought you would be happy to see me finally paired off! So tell me what offends you so about Iisven! TELL ME!” Her words echoed in the silence of the clearing.
Zen was the one who finally spoke up as Dir floundered with an explanation. He walked to Zasha steadily and placed his hands sturdily and comfortingly on her shoulders.
“Tor was the one who took your mother from us. He is the reason she suffered and died from a torn bond.” His eyes were brimming with tears as he exposed this. And same as her words had to her father, his words stole her anger from her in a mighty gust that left only hurt and confusion. Her arms went slack as she just stared without seeing straight ahead. Stepping backwards from her uncle she moved from his support and took a few more steps back. Eyes unseeing till she turned her back to all three of them and ran. Dir and Iisven's cries went unheard as the crowd scrambled aside to let her pass. She tore at her robe and ripped off her belt as her fingers curved to claws, her body already changing as her flight instincts took over. Zasha hit the clearing's treeline and dropped to all fours as the last sight they had of her was the flick of a tawny tail disappearing into the shadowy canopy of the trees as the sun began to rise.
Her howl of Misery and pain echoed in all their ears.
Chp. 2
'That went well...' Iisven thought sadly as both him and Dir moved to follow Zasha only to have a firm hand grasp each shoulder and pull them back.
“She'll not welcome either of you right now” Zen's voice was calm but his eyes showed the pain he felt for his niece. Dir threw his hand off and turned to face Iisven once more, hatred and malice in his eyes and Iisven began questioning his courage against such righteous fury as he faced now.
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