Hiya my Diary fans, whee
Im deleting eek all my old writing and starting my diary again. eek Okay if you havnt already noticed I went off Gaia because I got a little boared. exclaim You kow when you dont want a change but you need a change? You probally dont even know what I mean but I know what I mean. confused (No one knows what I mean most of the time!) surprised
So that is why I have decided to start my diary again. surprised So this is for today. Okay this morning I was happy blaugh because the days usually go really quickly biggrin , but today it went so slow it was like when you click on the T.V remote neutral pause because you need to pee! lol (must have a bladder problem lol ) Okay so your reading now your probally thinking OMG this diary is so boring question ? No question ? Then you must be demented question ? No question ? Then your just really weird question ? YES!!! exclaim exclaim exclaim
Anyway today was so enbarresing, redface this is what happened. We are learning about sex and relationships so miss said yestoday nothing about sex redface so we thought phew its going to be okay razz ! But then when we started she said we were learning about phisical changes when we were still okay with. Then she said randomly(really loud and the rude words even louder to stand out)"We are going to use tecnical words like FIGINA and PEINIS" Everyone burst out laughing and nearly crying and then miss shouted even louder "WOW MISS SHOUTED FIGINA and PEINISYOU WEARNT EXPECTING ME TO COME OUT WITH THAT" and then laughed. redface redface redface redface okay my
so my life is so embaressing! redface redface redface
Hannah heart
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