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In the name of the Moon - Rp Summaries
Since I have no life and because I like to know what is happening in the guild, I decided to read them. While I'm at it, I thought it would just be beneficial to have summaries while I went along.


Holy Teen Helpline (Sept 19)
- Sailor Nova and Nerissa go out to scout Destiny city together only to meet up with the General King himself. Demanding the whereabouts of Astraea, Charonite brutally injures Nerissa, while Nova uses her “Falling Star Obliteration!” attack, bringing back the same intensity from the Meadowview Incident. Charonite, taking only slight damage, leaves them their warning to all senshi and runs off with a bystander’s star seed. Nerissa is taken to the hospital while Astraea chews them out. -

Cat…er, Battle Report (Sept 26)
- Caine gives a battle report to Charonite, telling him of the dead youma in the basement that leads to the conclusion of there being a senshi nearby. Upon orders, Caine is paired up with Linarite to gather information and star seeds. Failure, dangerously stressed, would not be tolerated. -
*Reference to Holy Teen Helpline!

Getting Away From the Busy City (Sept 27)

Shouldn’t you be in a skirt? (Sept 30)
- Linarite meets up with Castor, Sailor senshi of Hail, and makes him aware of the Negaforce’s presence. Fighting, Linarite seems to gain the upper hand, managing to hit Castor’s arm. Just as she is about to deliver the final blow and get the star seed that she is set out to retrieve, two drunken college men come between them. Linarite flees to protect herself while Castor is left to pick himself back up. -
*Castor’s reference to previous rp of him fighting a youma in the basement

- While patrolling, Lieut. Torbernite is lured in by the sound of pan pipes, and meets up with the player, Sailor Castor. Struck by the desire to claim the plan flutes and put work aside, they engage in battle. Some head trauma and damage from hail later, Castor is robbed of his beloved pan pipes with Torbernite fleeing with his prize. -

Anything you can do… (Oct 7)
- Nealite becomes upset (to put it nicely) over the news of Celestine being mentored the General King, and Caine’s assignment to teach Linarite. Doubting her performance, Nealite hatches a plan to steal the star seed from Linarite to climb up in rank and push Linarite out of Charonite’s favor. -
*Reference to Cat…er, Battle Report

….I can do better (Oct 7)
- Directly after “Shouldn’t you be in a skirt?”, Nealite pokes fun at Linarite’s performance and the pair throw insults. Nealite then tries to make Linarite aware that her bad performance is not going unnoticed by Charonite, and then leaves when she is fed up and sees no chance in stealing a star seed from Linarite who has none to begin with. -

Fancy Seeing You Here (Oct 10)
- Ursula walks into a restaurant to see Drew eating pancakes. Happy for an unexpected date and a way to get free food, she sits with him and the pair playfully insult each other. As the play fighting turns to verbal (and in a certain way, physical) abuse, Ursula leaves Drew in a huff and with a nice bill. Luckily, Grendel is there to help with the surplus of breakfast foods. –

Pumped Iron (Oct 10)

The Gift of Nature (Oct 10)

Hello Nurse (Oct 12)
- Khaldun (Hematite) comes to Charonite’s office with a broken finger and to relay his encounter with a girl and the sighting of a cat. Having his finger set, Charonite tears him a new one before ordering him to go find the cat. -
*Reference to Desperate Times

Quid Pro Quo (Oct 13)

Birthday Blues (Oct 13)
- It's Nealite's birthday, and she sees how she exceeded their expectations. What does the future hold for next year? -

Trail Fail (Oct 14)
- As Charonite is stuck digging a shallow grave for another victim of star seed extraction, Pandora, a student, sees him. Toying with her, he gives her a chance to fight for her life. After the struggle, Charonite corrupts Pandora’s star seed, making her one of his underlings. Moonstone has joined the ranks of the Negaverse! -

Crushed Gears (Oct 14)
- Dale goes for a evening drive and winds up running over a youma. With a broken car, she decides to seek revenge, only to meet the owner standing in the road. Stepping out, Charonite offers her power, revenge, and a new way to live. He also mentions the way the world is, and how Earth has been under the foot of it’s oppressors. (Anyone care to venture a guess?) Dale takes the offer and becomes Lieutenant Variscite. Halleluiah! -

The Catastrophe (Oct 14)
- Hematite and Nealite go searching for a random cat to pass off as a guardian to give to Charonite only to find a real one, Chloe! Cornering her in, Hematite grabs and then looses her. Chasing after, Chloe is reunited with Sailor Lyre. Lyre, by sheer luck and observation, points out Hematite’s scar and sends him recalling a long lost memory. This gives the sailor and her guardian time to escape, while Hematite returns to reality with the realization that his scar was caused by a senshi. Realizing his mission has failed, he asks Nealite to not speak a word of this to Charonite. In exchange, Nealite gets Hematite to accompany her on her next mission, whatever foul scheme that may be. -
*Possibly a rp following up on Hello Nurse

The Meeting (Oct 14)
- Nealite is summoned to Charonite’s office and the pair teleport to the Negaverse base. There, Charonite and Nealite figure out that inexperienced and the lack of numbers is a growing problem for them that, with most things with Charonite, will not be tolerated. To this, he revealed the newest recruits to Nealite: Variscite and Moonstone. Moving on, the news that Astraea has appeared in Hillworth, and in turn Charonite’s territory, has come with new orders. With useless Lieutenants that have no time to be trained and a growing number of senshi, Charonite orders Nealite and her cat Grendel to find more about the senshi, all the information they can gather, so that they can corrupt them. In the midst of conversation, Charonite shows Nealite a crystal that has had his gaze locked for some time, and upon asking what the blur inside of it is, Charonite (in a rare glimmer of what could be seen as an emotion of want), corrects her by saying it is a “she”. There is no further explanation. –

A Trap fit for a Senshi (Oct 15)
- Hematite uses Nealite, dressed in civilian clothing, as bait to lure in a senshi they can use to gain information and, if all went well, a star seed. With some poor acting and terrible introductions from both parties, Sailor Pegasus arrives on the scene and fights Hematite. In the midst of battle, Hematite managed to tie up Pegasus and just when he is about to take her star seed, Nealite’s greed and alternative motives shine through, and she pushes Hematite aside to claim the star seed for herself. Fighting with each other, Pegasus frees herself and escapes. -

Whistle While You Work (Oct 15)

It’s probably better not to ask (Oct 15)

I believe! (Oct 15)

Well Mannered Women (Oct 16)

Hunting (Oct 16)

Part of your world (Oct 16)
- Castor finds himself on Hillworth grounds and facing Obsidian and Nealite. Before introductions are made, Obsidian goes for a cheap shot right for Castor’s jewels. Pissed and sore, Castor shouts his attack. Too bad Nealite and Obsidian are too busy hurting each other to notice, and with that, Castor flees for safety to recover. -
*Reference to Shouldn’t you be in a skirt?

Nighttime Blunder (Oct 16)
- Sailor Nemesis goes out for a nighttime patrol and meets Obsidian attacking her friend at the park. To free her, she makes herself know, and the two start fighting. Both getting a kick and a punch in, Obsidian is about to grip her throat when Nemesis’ attack finally kicks in, paralyzing the Lieutenant. Frozen, Nemesis returns the punch and runs while she still can. Let’s just say, Obsidian wasn’t a happy camper when he recovered. -

Biking After Sunset (Oct 16)
- Torbernite spots a pretty bike parked in a parking lot and decides to nab it. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t have the keys, and worse, this bike belongs to Sailor Iris. Not overjoyed to find her bike being rolled down the street, Sailor Iris transforms and teaches Torbernite that stealing is wrong with a heavy dose of fist. With the help of a bluff and a fistful of dirt, Torbernite escapes with only mighty painful bruises. -

Quoth the Raven (Oct 17)
- As Nealite and Hematite pick themselves up after their failed mission, a unplanned and furious visitor appears. Charonite, pissed to the highest power, punches and drags the two lieutenants back to the Negaforce where they are beaten and interrogated as to what EXACTLY went wrong. Hematite gets a good beating courtesy of Charonite’s boot, and Nealite is called a failure. With new assignments, Nealite is sent to go off duty for 2 weeks while Linarite takes her duties. Hematite is threatened to have one more chance else it will be the end. In a last ditch effort, Nealite hands over some information, but it saves no one. The discussion is over. -
*Reference to A trap fit for a Senshi, Part of your world, and The Catastrophe

Through the Looking Glass (Oct 18 )
- Ursula returns home after her talk with Charonite. Disgusted, she looks herself in the mirror and reflects on the person that she was, became, and wants to be, making a promise to prove herself. -

This is the Ultimate Showdown (Oct 18 )
- Obsidian steals a star seed from a wandering businessman only to have Sailor Nerissa show up and fight him for it. The attacks are bloody and intense, but Nerissa finally manages to crawl back to the victim with the retrieved star seed …but not in time. Defeated, she drops the star seed and leaves while Obsidian enjoys his victory. -
*Reference to Nighttime Blunder and Holy Teen Helpline

- Castor returns to Hillworth after a long day of patrolling only to encounter Lieutenant Nealite. Despite her parol, she fight Castor and has is about to take his star seed when Astraea rescues the senshi. Changing to a human, Astraea picked Castor up and the pair vanish to safety, leaving Nealitie to wonder what she should do. -
*Reference to Part of your world and Through the Looking Glass

The Most Dangerous Game (Oct 18 )
- While Ursula is working at her desk and thinking of her probation, Khaldun comes in after being sent to the principle’s office. Despite what has happened, the pair talk and have a rare heart to heart moment. Things are changing and in these times, some people need to change. In a glimmer of sympathy, Ursuala gives khaldun a hall pass to escape detention and also to run a future errand. Who says the Negaverse can’t be a little nice? -
*Reference to Quoth the Raven

Must be a Monday (Oct 18 )

The Explanation (Oct 19)
- Nealite is found by Charonite after her encounter with Castor and Astraea. While patching her up in his office, he demands she tells him everything she can, even down to dress color, regarding the cat that has eluded him. Apparently, Astraea has a soul he wants. With the new information, the General-King rewards Nealite by taking her off probation and giving her a mission, to place Castor’s head on his desk.

Don’t Screw This Up (Oct 19)

Its Just as Easy as it Looks (Oct 20)
- While wasting away the hours during her probation period, Ursula (Nealite) trail of thought goes from thinking of senshi and guardian cats to a very wicked plan. Seems the senshi are going to have a new member joining their ranks.-
* Reference to Quoth the Raven

The Proposal (Oct 20)
- Nealite arrives in Charonite’s office in a new ensemble. With a very wicked idea to cause major problems for the Sailor Senshi, the pair discuss the plan. Nealite, causing mayhem, will make the public hate the Senshi and maybe lure out a hidden cat that had been out of their reach. If found, she is to be brought back unconscious, IF she shows up. –
*Reference to The Explanation

Sailor Nea Saga 1: First Impressions (Oct 21)
- Sailor Nea makes her big debut by lighting up the town, using the local downtown shopping district as firewood. Recording, she introduces herself and starts her grand scheme. -
*Reference to The Proposal

Sailor Nea Saga 2: Midnight Meetings (Oct 21)
- Sailor Nea breaks into the home of new's reporter, Derrick Sanders, and gives him some good (or bad, depending on which side you're on) news. Negaverse: proud supporter of VHS. -

Sailor Nea Saga 3: You're It! (Oct 21)
- Causing more mayhem, Sailor Nea decides to move on to stealing star seeds from a nursing home. Leaving the elderly line a line of breadcrumbs, Sailor Lyra and Sailor Pegasus happen just as the mayhem is starting. Catching up and tackling the impostor, Nealite forces Lyra's hand into a elderly woman and rips out the star seed using the senshi's own hand. Taking it for her own and escaping, Nealite leaves Sailor Lyra with her own bit of trauma and anger, not to mention hatred for Pegasus. -

Sailor Nea Saga 4: Showdown (Oct 21)

Sailor Nea Saga 5: Good vs Evil (Oct 21)

Sailor Nea Saga 6: Under Pressure(Oct 21)
- Sailor Nea takes Moonstone to retrieve her first star seed and also cause some bad PR for the Sailor Senshi. Taking her to the home of a mother and three kids, Nealite directs Moonstone in her first star seed extraction done reluctantly from the body of a small child. Done, Nealite sets off to go solo once more, while Moonstone questions her humanity. -

Sailor Nea Saga 7: The Return Visit (Oct 22)
- Sailor Nea drops off another video for Derrick Sanders to profit from, and while she is getting a way to make the Sailor Senshi's lives miserable by having the tapes aired, she knows better to trust the reporter. -

It's a Hard Knock Life (Oct 22)
- Thinking on it, Nealite considers the dangers she has and could encouter while parading around as Sailor Nea. She wonders how long it will last and how it will all end. -
*Reference to Sailor Nea Saga

Debriefing (Oct 22)
- Khal meets Killingworth outside of Hillworth at night after his battle with Sailor Tisiphone. Beaten and bruised, he reports and gets Charonite's attention. A new mission is given: Get Tisiphone's star seed and to make sure she is not dead before Astraea can make her a Super. All of this to be done in once week. Wondering if time was up, Khal asks the question that's been floating in his mind about his parents, only to get a few good slaps in return. Seems even potentially dead men get no answers. -
*Reference to Must be a Monday

Grand Meeting (Oct 22)
- Hematite, Obsidian, Linarite, Nealite and Torbernite are teleported to the Negaverse to give their reports and new assignments. Disturbed by the number of senshi that outweigh them, Charonite decides to tighten some leashes and set some goals and missions with a heavy dose of threats (as usual) to the crew. Torbernite needs 3 star seeds by the end of the week, Nealite to continue her charade as Sailor Nea with Hematite to help her, and Obsidian sent to give Sailor Nerissa a harder time. Linarite is to investigate if there will be more senshi coming from Meadowview along with meeting up with Variscite and Moonstone at some point. - Nothing like touching base! In more interesting news, Charonite talks to Nealite after the meeting and WTF? Charonite is Hematite's ward?! Not to mention a, maybe a little, concerned guardian. The topic of Khaldun's amnesia comes up and just as Nealite is set to look out for Khaldun, the eavesdropping Hematite runs off, escaping but announcing his presence. -

It's going to be a looong night (Oct 22)
- Lt. Torbenite is staying low when Obsidian happens upon him and the pair find they are on the same side, not that Obsidian is impressed. Not really filled in on the Negaverse's available powers and also star seed retrieval, Obsidian decides to give a demonstration. -

World Above (Oct 27)
- Sailor Nerissa goes out patrolling to face off once again with Obsidian who has been searching hi and low for a rematch. Fighting, he manages to pin her down, only to have the General-King appear to direct him. Using Nerissa as bait, Sailor Nova appears to save her friend (and the object of her affections), and they make a bargain. Nova's star seed for Nerissa. All too willing, Obsidian and Charonite corrupt the Super Senshi into a new recruit, only to turn their backs on the fact that a certain kitty is taking Nerissa to safety. -

An Empty Promise (Oct 27)

Poor Unfortunate Souls (Oct 27)
- Hematite chases after Sailor Nea at a safe distance after one of her appearances only to run into Castor. Mistaking Sailor Nea as a senshi, he saves her from Hematite only to have his star seed reached for. Castor is set off into a fit of rage and beats Nealite to the point that Charonite makes an appearance. Tearing into the senshi of hail with both booth and whip, Astraeaalso decides to come in for the rescue. Another clue comes into the manifestation of a certain soul, the cat girl not being chosen, and the name Luna. Not one to give up, Charonite grabs Castor with his whip into a tug-o-war with Astraea, but as Hematite reaches for the star seed, he's blasted by the guardian's beam, along with a second one just for Nealite. As the police come, both parties flee, both sides loosing. -

Aftermath (Nov 06)
- Returning to HQ, Charonite and Nealite assist to doing CPR on Nealite. Unfortunately for Nealite, it's Khaldun doing the mouth to mouth (not that he had any choice in the matter). Alive and humiliated, Hematite decides to make it up to her and in a less-than-eloquent way, asks Charonite to take Nealite to the prom. Seems Nealite bagged herself a date!

The Morning After (Nov 18 )
-Ursula wakes up in Gunn’s apartment, and is asked what she would do for him. It’s come the time for Ursula to reveal her feelings for a man who hasn’t acknowledged them, and in a bargain for her life, she trades a kiss. Taken to the Negaverse Headquarters to a crystal she has been to before, Charonite takes gives her the kiss, and gives the power of Ursula’s life to bring back Queen Beryl! Instead of loosing her life, she has come back as a host for another.

This Ain’t a Cutscence (Nov 22)
- Ursula wakes up in Gunn’s place again, and they talk. As things heat up and Ursula puts the moves on Gunn, the man points her in the direction of his bed and leaves.

A Change of Plans (Nov 23)
- At Killingworth’s apartment, Ursula noticed the lack of stuff in his home. Clearly her things would make everything cozier, and she sets off to move in.

Can’t Read My Poker Face (Nov 25)
- Killingworth comes home to find his house taken over. It seems Ursula has tested out her power over him, and in doing so, uses the own reasoning and Gunn’s words to get him to be engaged to her.

Something We Forgot (Nov 26)
- While Ursula is stocking up Gunn’s home with food, she remembers that she has left one person out of the very important news of her engagement. Khaldun! Panicking, she decides that a nice dinner would be a great way to break the news to someone she knows will not be happy about it in the least.

We need to TALK (Nov 26)

Over Thinking (Nov 27)

Three Strikes (Dec 2)

Winter is Coming (Dec 10)
- Astraea happens upon a unique signature coming from a girl named Miriam Jacobs. When her cat acting does not work, Astraea just come out and demands where Kunzite has been. Confused at first, Miriam is showns to be the first Calvalier and leader, Kunzite. Mildy put off by the face he’s in a girls body, they get right to business. At the news that the princess and prince are not found, and that Charonite is now the leader of the Negaverse, the knight sets off to head straight to Negaverse headquarters to meet his old friend.

Remembrance Day (Dec 10)
- Kunzite arrives at the Negaverse Headquarters to see his old friend and apprentice. Upon learning that Kunzite is back to fighting for the Prince, and in turn, the Moon Court, Charonite becomes furious. Feeling betrayed, the two fight, and Nealite intervenes as Queen Beryl. Just as Charonite is stabbed and is about to be cut down by his old mentor, Kunzite retreats upon Beryl’s threat of being blasted away. Both are left bleeding, but for once, Charonite is in the worst state that he has been, both physically and emotionally.

Liar, Liar, Pants of Fire (Dec 15)
- Kunzite meets Castor on the streets and is reminds of what a certain guardian cat has told her about dimwitted senshi. While Castor mistakes the Cavalier as a Negaverser, Kunzite beats him up and proves him wrong. They exchange information and phone numbers, and Castor is left bruised and disturbed about hitting on a guy in a girl’s body.

Delusions of Grandeur (Dec 15)
- Cavalier Kunzite happens upon the corrupted senshi, Nova. While Kunzite sees himself in Nova, a girl who was lured to the Negaverse, and while Nova tries to express the desire to be saved, it all happens too late. Kunzite stabs Nova in her star seed and ends her life. Kunzite takes her starseed and leaves just before Nealite and Charonite find her and take her body back to Negaverse headquarters. -

Ho Ho Oh ******** NO (Dec 17)
- Ursula fixes up the Killingworth apartment with Christmas decorations by herself and while looking at the tree, is reminded that she needs a present for her fiancé. Just as the idea for a laptop comes to her, the realization that she has to ask a certain Audrey Collins to help also comes with the package. –

Hell and High Water (Dec 17)
- Sailor Saiph attacks Lt. Hematite while he is waiting to meet up with Ursula at the park. In the process of the fight, Khal injuries in leg, and just as he is about to choke Saiph to death, Super Sailor Nerissa throws him off. Unable to stumble away, Hematite is dragged into the whirlpool the Super created, and in swallowed and spit out. While the two sailors flee, Capt. Nealite finds Hematite, broken, bloody, and still on the concrete.

A Christmas to Remember (Dec 21)
- Ursula and Charonite share their first Christmas together and exchange gifts, but none is as great as the present of unwrapping each other afterwards. While unaware of the importance, Charonite binds himself to Ursula, and reveals his true name to her. It seems an old Cavalier has made more than a wedding oath.

Faded Memories & Distant Dreams (Dec 27)
- After her death, Nova is transported to the Moon Kingdom and meets the ghost of Queen Serenity. The Queen shows her a memory of long ago to try and explain to Nova the meaning of love, the senshi, and Nova’s sacrifice. –
*After Delusions of Grandeur

In a Glass Case of Emotion (Dec 28 )

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