Yep so ummm...have fun with this.

Am I sweet?- I'm having a diabetic seizure just thinking about it.
Am I crazy?- Abso-friggin'-lutely.
Am I lovable?- Aaaaaw! Yes! *squish*
Am I funny?- Mmm hmm.
Am I ugly?- I dunno. I've never seen you.
Am I psycho?- Only borderline. You've still got a way to go before you catch up with me.
Am I annoying?- No
Am I a good person?- I'd like to think so.

2)******Would You******
Hug me?- Every day
Miss me if i was gone?- Where are you going?
Listen to my problems?- Always
Hug me if i cried?- You're not allowed to cry. There is only laughter with me.
Be a good friend?- As best as I could be.

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- Uhm..... Marshmallow Peep Casserole Surprise! >_<
Do one thing with me it would be?- Make you smile. It's what I do.
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- Don't take life so seriously. It's okay to laugh. It's okay to cry. It's okay to be angry. But most of all, it's okay to be shamelessly and unabashedly you.

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- Your sense of humor.
What do u hate about me?- I'll let you know when I figure it out.
What is my best quality?- Judging by your sense of humor, I'm sure it's your smile.

1. Who are you?- Tiffany
2. Do you have a crush on me?- o_O It may or may not be illegal for me to answer that one. I'm not sure.
3. Are we good friends?- I'd like to think so.
4. Do we know each other in real life?- No.
5. Is my avatar hot? (x.x)- Oh, good grief, yes! Slide those sexy pixels my way! whee
6. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- I did, and you have! ^_^