Ready, steady, SHOP! by blanchefleur

It makes a Guy happy! by Misha Coon

Summertime, Summertime Animated, Rocker, Cheshire Ballgown, Evening Sparkle, Entry and Dark Queen by Candylover90

Smile Neko by Dusk-emi

Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3 by sailoreclipse

Entry, Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4 and Entry 5 By Pugnacious Banana

Entry By Kiddo the fox-phoenix

Lyn-Li by SilverStarboy

Dark Queen Dress, and Chesire Gal by Mikosama

Muse of my nightmares by KeTheHomicidalManiac

Abbie, and Chessie by Queen_of_Muffins

Chesire Lolita Gown by Moon.Mage.Raein

Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3 by Fresh Taste of Mint

Wedding and mermaid by Amelthyst

Bollywood, Nya, Ivy and Tossed Salad by jenru

Entry by Karel_Elliott

Entry, Entry 2, Entry 3 and Entry 4 by The Key to Mercy

Entry and Entry 2 by Bump_berry

Entry and Entry 2 by Chisato-chan

Entry by Shurry

Velma Kelley, Irish Princess, Entry, Selene from Underworld, Pandora, Pocohantas Red Queen, Wedding Dress and Roxie Hart by Ciar Aisling

Entry and Entry 2 by shima angel

Goth Queen, Entry and Vine-us by Sakura_Aiko

Entry and Entry 2 by FL1P7H1S

Entry, Entry 2, Entry 3 (version 1, 2 and 3), Entry 4 and Entry 5 by Moonlight_Naida

Entry and Lizard Girl by .Sour.Blank.

Entry by Brackeh

Entry by Ayari

Entry by lilyla19

Entry and Gothic Lolita by Sashanaru

Entry and Entry 2 by ^o^Sango-chan^o^

Undies by Shianu

Entry by BattleAxe
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