1. Who are you? I just might be HANNAH!!! 8D
2. Are we friends? YESH YESH YESH!!
3. When and how did we meet? well, I can't remember who was in the room first, but it was in a jigsaw room on Gaia. I was at the library being very bored, not really wanting to talk to anyone. But there was this little boy (lol) just jabbering on to this other user (who i don't think was quite listening to him) about his brother and his old karate (or w/e it is) teacher. I was kinda reading it and making my puzzle at the same time, and decided i'd talk back with him. IT SO HAPPENED TO BE ONE OF THE BEST TIMES TO FRICKIN TALK BECAUSE THAT'S HOW I MET ALEXANDER!!!
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 1) Ally- Just cause it's such a cute little abreviation of Alex ^-^ 2) Fur butt- Self explanitory xDD 3) Cinderally- Just cause he cleans a lot xP, I has more but i don't feel like naming them ALL off
5. Describe me in one word. Amazingly-loving-cuteness-fuzz-I-can't-get-enough-of ^-^
6. What was your first impression of me? Funny and nice =]
7. Do you still think that way about me now? YES, I think a lot more now, but i'm too shy to say it >///<
8. What reminds you of me? My kitty Snickers, and a whole wack of songs
9. If you could give me anything, what would it be? I big giant hug which you will never escape from, mwahahaha!!!
10. Which song reminds you of me? lots lots lots, how about checking out my profile's current playlist? >///<
11. How well do you know me? I'd love to think very well, I'd like to anyways
12. When is the last time you saw me? well i just talked to you like 10 mins ago before you lefted xP
13. Have you ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t? What was it? mmmmmm, maybe another time >///////<
14. What do you hate about me? nothing, only the fact that lots of things bring you down
15. What do you like about me? LOTS AND LOTS OF THINGS!!!
16. Where do you see me 7 years from now? somewhere, i'm hoping somewhere you love with someONE you love =]
17. Are you going to re-post this to see what other people have to say about you *including me*? already did x]