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An actual goal to life?
I think I may have stumbled upon my first goal in life. Ok, maybe not my FIRST but I feel I might be able to get a direction going.

I would have to talk it over with Ryan and undoubtedly he will accidently crush all my hopes and dreams but it would still be fun anyways.

^^ Ok, so here's the thing. I picked up a Career magazine from downstairs at the Employment and Career "box" (it's an office) and there was an advertisement to go teach in Japan. You only need to have a Gr. 12 education and a Bachelor's in something; doesn't matter what.

Ok, so the bachelor's is the first obstacle right? I hate this program I am taking and it is now very unlikely that I'll get the Diploma in it but I can start looking into another Program that leads into a Bachelor's Degree.

After I have done this I HAVE to find a College that does distance learning or is in a town less than an hour from Medicine Hat. If I really have to I'll go to Calgary but I will take a lax program or do something so that I can come home to see my family and Ryan on the weekends.

Then I get my bachelor's in a field I actually LIKE and then apply for a job with this company to go work in Japan and teach people English.

The reason I need to talk to Ryan is because I'd love for him to come with me when it's all said and done. I need to find out if he ever got his Bachelor's Degree so maybe he can do the same thing to and we'd make good money. (Minimum is around $2,400/month/Canadian). They contract you out for a year and help with all your accomodations, traveling, visa, etc, etc.

It just seems....possible...and it also means that Ryan would have something to look forward to as well besides being at CalFrac until the end of time. Which, he doesn't want to be.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Tue Oct 25, 2005 @ 10:06pm

    Whoah! go for it! that sounds like fun!

    Community Member

    Tue Oct 25, 2005 @ 10:41pm

    One of my RL friends sisters is currently teaching in Japan biggrin
    She says its amazing!

    User Comments: [2]
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