Stole this from chatterbox.

If you read all of this, I will give you the worlds most fantastic pastry. And a hug. And whatever your heart desires. : D Or at least the pastry.

If you don't, you're human.

I suggest that you don't waste your time.


1. What’s your name?
Brandon James Foster; Raoul VanZant; Wraith; Mr. Sunshine; Mr. Sparkles; Mr. B; Buba; Bub

2. Do you have a middle name?
yes, I thought it was great until I met some people with the name.

3. Are you male or female?
I am rather masculine in my organs.

4. How old are you?

5. Do you wish you were older?
Older = more freedom. So yes

6. Do you wish you were younger?
No, not really. I am sure I will someday.

7. Do you have a girlfriend?

8. Do you have a boyfriend?
I am my own boyfriend, thank you.

9. Do you live in the United States?
Yes, unfortunatly.

10. Have you ever been out of whatever country you live in?
I have come close to the lovely freedom of Canada, but sadly, no.

11. Ever been out of state?
Plently. I travel a lot. Mostly up and down the United States, not left and right.

12. Do you make friends easily?
I make friends easier than enemies. Wait, I take that back. I am a b***h to everyone, but they all love it.

13. Do you have any pets?
yes, I have way too many. Five (********) dogs and a wonderful cat.

14. What’s your favorite animal?
CAT; BAT; SQUID; WHALE; FOX; NARHWAL!; WOLF; oh... well I love lots of animals. I can list things I like in every animal.

15. What kind of music do you like?
Classical, electronica, techno, house, industrial, psychodelic rock, art rock, etc. etc.

16. What is your favorite song?
Don't ask my that question.

17. Who is your favorite band/singer?
I love all the ones I love equally.

18. What is your favorite movie?
Amelie; Alien; Silent Hill; I will stop here, if I listed my favorites, we would be here for a while.

19. Who is your favorite actor?
Johnny Depp is teh sexx. I have to say, I like plenty others, but Depp is sexy. I also do not know names of less-sexy people. ( BUT I KNOW THERE FACES, THAT IS ALL THAT COUNTS!)

20. Who is your favorite actress?
Helena Bonham Carter. I like other female actors, but she happens to be the sexiest; therefore, I know her name!

21. What is your favorite color?
Purple; Blue; Cyan; Grey; Blue-Grey; Blue-Purple (we might be here all night)

22. Can you hula hoop?

23. Can you jump rope?
I used to, I do not know about now.

24. Can you do a back flip?
No, but I have hurt my neck by landing on it like... five times from attempting to.

25. Do you like to skip?
Sometimes, maybe.

26. Do you like to walk?
Generally, yes.

27. Do you like to run?

28. Do you sing in the shower?
Yes, but mostly I hum things that are either stuck in my head or remind me of death.

29. What do you wash first in the shower?
My Hair goes first. Then my shoulders, then my arms, then my neck, then ... well you get the idea.

30. Do you wear make-up?
When I can have an excuse to wear powder, I steal Catie's. Besides that, I am male and shunned by family figures for expressing my feminine side in such a way.

31. Can you speak more than one language?
I am learning more than one language. (Three foreign languages currently)

32. Can you speak English?
Well, may I say good sir or madame, no s**t.

33. Can you speak Spanish?
NO! I hate Spanish. I have a passionate wrath waiting to destroy all of Mexico and Southern America full of Spanish-speaking natives!

34. Can you speak French?
No, but I am learning. (very slowly, you see)

35. Can you speak German?
Absolute nicht! Ich kann etwas deutsch sprechen.

36. Can you speak other languages?
Don't you seem rather redundent?

37. If so, what are they?
******** off, we have already discussed this. German, French, Russian. Happy now?

38. What is your favorite food?
... air?
Pasta? Oh ******** you have gotten me started on food! >.<

39. What is your favorite fruit?
Apples and grapes and bananas and tomatoes and starfruit and mangos and kiwi and strawberries and blue berries and huckleberries and generally anything classified as a fruit!

40. What is your favorite vegetable?
Everything but but tough-to-chew vegetables (like califlower.)

41. What color is your hair?
Shat colored.

42. Do you dye your hair?
Nope, I am too... Natural for that. I do not think I ever want to die my hair.

43. Have you ever gotten a perm?

44. Have you ever straightened your hair?
You don't want to see the result.

45. What color are your eyes?
Dark brown in less light, in sunlight it can be red-browns mixed with various yellow-browns. Usually it lookes like a muddy creek to me, with pebbles and all.
(Catie yours are Yellow on the inside that shoot out like rays or something, much like a sun decided to be eclipsed by the cornia (the moon) and the rays were left, then outside of that is blue and grey. When the yellow and blue increases, your eyes turn a nice green color, and when seperated, the yellow and blue are seperated by gray. I would say you have a very dilute set of blue eyes.)

46. Do you wear contacts?
I have worn non-prescription ones. They scared everyone too much, so I stopped wearing them.

47. Do you wear glasses?
Yes, and a pair of goggles.

48. What are you wearing?
A nasty gray-brown shirt that is WAYY to big for me and shows more of my chest than I knew and am comfortable with, a pair of baggy and waaay to big camo pants that have faded to a nasty grey/white color.

49. Are you comfortable wearing that?
Not really, but I am not comfortable in anything over here. I prefer sleeves or a giant jacket.

50. Do you wear socks?
Yes. I love socks, but mine are all lame. I can love other people's socks *cough cough*.

51. Do you wear pajamas?
Depends on my mood.

52. Do you wear boxers?

53. Do you wear underwear?
All the same to me.

54. How many pillows do you sleep with?
@ Dad's- three. I use one.
@ Mom's- six. I use one.

55. Do you have stuffed animals?
Too many to count. Mostly hidden from people. My newest addition to the family is Garlique. She was hand-sewn. XD I luff her so.

56. If so, do you still sleep with them?
I sleep with Garlique quite often. I used to sleep with "doggie pillow" but he is too old for that now.
I need to patch Garlique's eye back up. She has a rather large left eye that is not sew on perfectly right now, I kinda chewed on it and... well... never mind.

57. Did you wet the bed when you were little?
Like... once or twice when I was four or five.

58. Do you still wet the bed?

59. How many blankets do you sleep with?
@ Dad's- three.
@ Mom's- Three, sometimes five. Depends on mood.

60. What color is your room?
@Dad's- White. Nasty white. Awful, insanse asylum white.
@ mom's- blue. Lovely stone-blue.

61. Do you have a sheet on your bed?
Yes. I like my sheets at my mom's. I have a red set and a blue set that change out.

62. If so, what color is the sheet?
See above answer.

63. Do you have a comforter on your bed?
Yes. I love the one at my mom's. The one at my dad's is a pain in the a**.

64. If so, what color is it?
At mom's, Tan. A dad's... white I think. It is covered by this awful yellow thing.

65. Is your closet big?
@ My mom's it is. @ my dad's it is not.

66. What do you keep in your closet?
Clothes. More clothes. Less clothes. Clothes times pi. Video games, gaming controllers, and bins full of s**t.

67. Are you still in school?
I am in school.

68. If so, what grade are you in?

69. Are you going to college?
I must. If I don't I will jump off of my sanity bridge.

70. What are you going to study in college?
Neurology, pscyhology, sociology, the German language, the French language, science, chemistry, the English language, etymology, history, European history, you name it, I will study it.

71. What do you want to be once you get out of school completely?
Doctor of Osteopathy.

72. Do you paint your nails?
I like to, but it seems wasteful now that I think about it. I would still do it if I were female. But I am not.

73. Do you get your nails done professionally?

74. Do you trim your toe nails?

75. Do you shave your legs?
Depends on my mood.

76. Do you shave your arms?

77. Do you shave your armpits?
When it becomes unruly, yes.

78. Do you shave your head?

79. Do you have a moustache?

80. Do you trim it?
Dun have one.

81. Do you have a beard?

82. Do you trim that?

83. How often do you get a haircut?
Whenever my mom can catch me with her tranquilizer.

84. Do you talk on the phone a lot?
Does to one person count?

85. Do you have a cell phone?

86. Do you text a lot?
USed to. Then the person's text died along with my cell.

87. Do you have unlimited texting?
Used to.

88. Do you have unlimited minutes?

89. Do you have a family share plan?
How the hell should I know? I don't exactly run the finances in my house (though, I would like to.)

90. How often are you online?
Every chance I can get.

91. Do you go on MySpace?

92. How about Facebook?
More often than myspace, but not often at all.

93. Do you use AIM?
I used to. Then my computer's internet died along with all of my other personal internet pleasures.

94. How about MSN?

95. What about Yahoo IM?

96. Have you ever gone camping?
Lots. I hated it. Mostly, my mom ruined it for me. Forever. I will never like camping because of her.

97. Did you like it?
Refer to number ninty-six.

98. Have you ever gone fishing?
My experinces don't count.

99. Did you catch anything?

100. Do you go on trampolines?
Yeeaahh... I guess so.

101. Do you like them?
Sometimes. When there aren't a thousand and one children on it.

102. Do you have to go to the bathroom?
In this moment? No. Why-? Never mind... -_-"

103. Are you thirsty?

104. Are you hungry?
Yes, but only because I am bored.

105. Are you tired?

106. Can you swim?
I can swim quite well. I used to be refered to as a fish. Now I am self-conscience and refuse to swim in front of people.
( mostly because I found a mirror at one point)
107. Do you like to go swimming?
It hast to be clear, cold, and there cannot be anyone around.

108. Can you sing?
Not at all.

109. Can you drive?
Better than one with my knowledge should.

110. What kind of car do you have?
I hate cars. Let's not talk about cars.

111. What kind of car do you want?
A bike.

112. Do you like bugs?
ick. too.... nasty for me.

113. Why or why not?
they seem not clean.

114. When is your birthday?
Eighteen days before hers.

115. Do you usually have a party?
I don't want one. My parents are Nazis.

116. Do you celebrate Christmas?
Though I am pagan, my family celebrates Christmas and I get to sit in the corner and be spoiled by relatives.

117. If not, what do you celebrate?

118. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
fat ******** Americans and their holidays.

119. Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Not usually.

120. Do you celebrate Easter?
My parents saw it fitting as a time to launch me into early bad eating habits.

121. Do you get pinched on St. Patrick’s Day?
No. People never noticed me enough to pinch me.

122. Do you stay up for New Years?
When I am at my mom's house. I have missed a few because of my father.

123. If so, what do you do to pass all that time?
I used to use video games until within the hour. Otherwise I have to socialize to survive.

124. Do you play videogames?
Not hard core enough for my standards, but for some people I am sure I would suffice as a gamer.

125. What console is your favorite?
sex box times 360.

126. Which game do you like best?
Typical- halo, Oblivion,COD2, etc. etc.

127. Which game to you hate?
... I have this thing against Sony and their shitty games, so I guess it would be one of those.

128. Is there a game that you can’t beat to save your life?

129. If so, what game is it?
All of them. I cannot be COD2 on veteran yet, therefore I fail at every other game.

130. Is that the game you said you hated?

131. Do you like to take pictures?

132. What kind of camera do you use?
Whatever I can steal from my relatives.

133. Do you get your pictures developed?
Digital, srry.

134. Do you put them on your computer?
Yep. I have a trillion.

135. What do you usually take pictures of?

136. Do you like color or black and white pictures better?
Depends on the mood.

137. Do you like water?

138. Do you drink a lot of it?

139. Do you drink a lot of soda?

140. What’s your favorite kind of soda?
One who does not drink soda cannot say he likes one over another. Dr. Pepper is better than the others.

141. Do you like kool-aid?
No. I prefer my water to be without sugar.

142. What’s your favorite flavor?

143. Do you like fruit juice?

145. What’s flavor do you like best?
Crannyberry > Pinapple + Orange + Coconut > strawberry + kiwi > everything else.

146. Is your foot asleep?
Yes, it is... >.<

147. Are you ready to fall asleep?

148. Did you sleep well last night?

149. What’s the last dream you remember having?
(@ Catie "It involved a pool and my old elementary school. My dreams usually involve water. What does that mean?" Water often times symbolizes emotions.)
I cannot remember. I should write more of my dreams down. I see them as too insignifigant to write down.

150. Care to tell us about that dream?

151. How much gold do you have?

152. How much gold do you want?
Enough to pay for all the nice required things. (I must be able to add and remove to this required list with ease)

153. Are you questing anything?

154. If so, what are you questing?
Garlic Plush.

155. How much more gold do you need until you can finish your quest?
One hundred or so more gold.

156. Do you buy things from the cash shop?
I used to.

157. How many cash shop items do you own?

158. How many evolving items do you own?

159. Do you buy the monthly collectables?

160. How many monthly collectables do you own?

161. How many items do you have total?
900 something.

162. Do you wish you had more items?
no. Well... yes.

163. Do you even use half of the items you own?
Honey, that would take a lot of work.

164. How many posts do you have?
More than you. Most likely anyway.

165. Do you wish you had more posts?
YES I love having a slutty amount of posts.

166. How many comments do you have?
I don't know. I haven't looked in a while.

167. Are they displayed on your profile?
umm ... yes?

168. How many friends do you have?
Two pages' worth.

169. Are they displayed on your profile?

170. Do you play the games on Gaia?
I play a s**t load of zOMG. Before that I was a fishing and word bump whore.

171. Which one is your favorite?
Fishing was fun. Word bump was more fun. Jigsaw was... well I spent too much time on it.

172. Do you like Gaia cinemas?
Yes. I saw Night of the Living Dead for the first time. It takes dedication and TIME I don't have.

173. Do you like Gaia aquariums?
I love fish, but I would love Gaia fish more if they weren't cash items. As in, I don't feel like spending cash on a ******** fish cartoon!

174. Do have a lot of fish in your aquarium?
no... *sob sob* My gold fish died!

175. Did you decorate your aquarium?
psh, if you want to call it that.

176. What’s in your aquarium, other than fish?
A purple diamondey thing. and more fish.

177. Do you get good items from your overseer?
Not really. Interesting things, granted, but nothing that makes me 'gasm.

178. What’s the best thing daily chance has ever given you?

179. What’s the worst thing it’s given you?

180. Do you feed your fish daily?
No.. s**t... maybe I should do that next.

181. Are your fish happy?
No. They hate me.

182. Which fish is your favorite?
I don't pick favorites. Especially when there is only one fish in my tank to choose from *begins to sob again*

183. Did you name your fish?
Yes... *is a little attached*

184. Do you use the current or classic profile?
I love my classic profile.

185. Are you happy with your profile theme?
I made mine!

186. Do you wish you could make your own profile themes?
I can, f00!

187. Can you draw avi art?

188. Have you ever tried?

189. Do you have any kind of shop on Gaia?

190. If so, what do you sell?
I tried to start an art shop, but it failed.

191. Do a lot of people buy from you?

192. Do you ever donate to people?

193. Why or why not?
I like people. The more greed (gold) I give them, the more they dance.

194. Do people donate to you?

195. Do you beg for donations?

196. Do you use daily chance?

197. Do you get good items from it?

198. What’s the best thing daily chance has ever given you?
I wi- I need to calm down. I will stop answering these.

199. What’s the worst thing it’s given you?

200. Have you played zOMG yet?
I was a zeta!

201. Do you like it?
Like it? Hell I love it.

202. Why or why not?
I love testing games. I love watching glitches. I love beta games. I love Gaia. I love rings. Etc. etc. I could go on forever.

203. Do you wish Gaia would fix all the damn glitches in the game?
I think it is good that they are working on it, but I like the glitches. Makes me feel at home.

204. Have you defeated the final boss yet?
Psh, I wish.

205. Do you know who the final boss is?

206. How many recipes do you have?
Not a lot.

207. How many rings do you have?

208. What’s your CL?

209. Do you wish your CL was higher?

210. Do you ever read Gaia’s manga?

This or that;
211. Computer or TV?

212. Laptop or desktop?

213. Inside or outside?

214. DVD or VHS?
DVD. OPTIONS! VHS. More fun.

215. IPod or MP3 player?
Mp3 Players are sexier, iPod is what I own. I have to follow what I have grown up on and say iPod, but I hate Apple.

216. CD or radio?

217. Red or green?

218. Red or blue?
... both? Purple too.

219. Red or black?

220. Red or purple?

221. Red or pink?

222. Red or orange?

223. Red or yellow?

224. Red or white?

225. Red or brown?

226. Green or blue?

227. Green or black?

228. Green or purple?

229. Green or pink?

230. Green or orange?

231. Green or yellow?

232. Green or white?

233. Green or brown?

234. Blue or black?

235. Blue or purple?

236. Blue or pink?

237. Blue or orange?

238. Blue or yellow?

239. Blue or white?

240. Blue or brown?

241. Black or purple?

242. Black or pink?

243. Black or orange?

244. Black or yellow?

245. Black or white?

246. Black or brown?

247. Purple or pink?

248. Purple or orange?

249. Purple or yellow?

250. Purple or white?

251. Purple or brown?

252. Pink or orange?

253. Pink or yellow?

254. Pink or white?

255. Pink or brown?
Brown. Together reminds me of long nights spent playing Halo 2... eek.

256. Orange or yellow?

257. Orange or white?

258. Orange or brown?

259. Yellow or white?

260. Yellow or brown?

261. White or brown?

262. AIM or YIM?

263. AIM or MSN?

264. YIM or MSN?
AIM. (>.> wink

265. Pants or shorts?

266. Shorts or skirt?

267. Skirt or dress?

268. Dress or pants?

269. Pants or skirt?

270. Shorts or dress?

271. Anime or manga?
Uh. Manga. I think.

(#272-#314 were ridiculously boring and uninteresting. Therefore, BANISH'ED.)
* I skiped these for obvious reasons. Instead someone needs to tell me how to spell skipped. *

315. Pizza rolls or bagel bites?
I would not know.

316. Toast or bagel?
Bagel bagel bagel bagel.

317. Cereal or oatmeal?

318. Oatmeal or toast?

319. Cereal or bagel?

320. Bagel or oatmeal?

321. Toast or cereal?

322. Vanilla or chocolate?

323. Pepsi or coke?

324. Sneakers or flip flops?

325. Flip flops or boots?

326. Boots or sandals?

327. Socks or slippers?
S0cks! (And slipp3rs?)

328. Giraffes or zebras?

329. Hippos or elephants?
Oh s**t. these are hard questions.

330. Gnomes or flamingos?
Gnomes are easier to kill. so... gnomes.

331. Garlic or fluffs?

332. Snakes or frogs?
I like treefrogs.

333. Bugs or Snakes?

334. Frogs or bugs?

335. Dirt or sand?

336. Land or water?
Water in moderation. Land when I need emotional stability.

337. Jellyfish or man-o-war?

338. Cuttlefish or squid?
Oh but they are both so cute and delicious. Squid.

339. Apple or orange?

340. Cherry or grape?

341. Orange or tangerine?

342. Plastic or paper?
c.) Hands.

343. Bush or tree?
More Trees, less Bush.

344. Rain or snow?
nice amounts of Sn0w = lots of Rain > everything else.

345. Lightning or thunder?

346. Cat or dog?

347. Dog or ferret?

348. Ferret or bunny?
Ferret. I like their fur more.

349. Bunny or guinea pig?

350. Guinea pig or gerbil?
I would kill them both.

351. Gerbil or hamster?
Ew... just eww.

352. Hamster or mouse?
....I am sick now.

353. Rat or mouse?
Please stop.

354. Goat or sheep?
Goat! Sheep! Goat! Sheep! Oh hell... Goat.

355. Pony or horse?

356. Armadillo or Possum?
Armadillo I guess. I really haven't had many conversations with either.

357. Turtle or fish?

358. Fork or spoon?

359. Spoon or spork?

360. T-shirt or tank top?

361. Coat or hoodie?

362. Hoodie or jacket?

363. Knee socks or leggings?
Alles oben, bitte.

364. Leggings or pantyhose?

365. E-mail or letter?
Letters are fun. I love letters. Conversations > Letters > Email > texting > My face.

366. Pen or pencil?
P-E-N! Pen Pen Pen Pen Pen. Get the idea? I like pens. Pens pens pens!

367. Money or gift card?

368. Past or present?
Present is the realistic answer. My past is too shitty to live in.

369. Present or future?
I try to use the future as a reason to survive the present.

370. Candy or gum?
Gum. It lasts longer. Unless we're talking about chocolate here. In which case, CHOCOLATE.

371. Cookies of brownies?

372. Brownies or cake?

373. Cake or cookies?

374. Eyeliner or mascara?

375. Eye shadow or eyeliner?

376. Blush or lip gloss?

377. Markers or colored pencils?
Colored pencils.

378. Colored pencils or crayons?
I cannot decide this. Ask someone else.

379. Sharpie or regular marker?

380. Bowl or plate?
Bowl fer sher.

381. Cup or glass?

382. Futon or bed?
I do not have enought experince. I am not l33t.

383. Couch or love seat?
Couch, unless I've got someone to love. Then it's love seat.

384. Love seat or recliner?
Love seat.

385. Cook or clean?

386. Mop or sweep?

387. OMG or WTF?

388. LOL or LMAO?
...rofl... simply because I can pronounce it roffle.

389. OMFG or OMGWTF?

390. LMFAO of ROFL?

391. Post all the emoticons in separate posts.

392. Choose a number from 25 to 1000.
umm...2...(Yes, I get it.)

393. Count down from that number in separate posts.
2...1...0... There we go.

394. Post each letter of your username in separate posts.














Oh... I mean...
395. Bump 10 times in separate posts. (Not part of the bump contest!!!)

396. Post each letter of the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in separate posts.
... that seems like a long word.

397. Do you do long quizzes often?
Ummm... sometimes.

398. How many days did it take you to do this quiz?
Too long.

399. After this quiz are you going to stick around and bump?

400. Are you happy you finished?
I am not satisfied, if that is what you are asking... *grumpy face*