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Friday the 13th? Shoulda been...hospital and a car accident
Ok, so yesterday was a horrible day.

It started out like normal, I woke up and quickly made myself something small to eat for breakfest and then ran off to the gym. My gym session went very well and just as I had finished with my cool-down I got a call from my mother.
My mom thought she was having a heat stroke, though she hasn't been outside. So she asked me to drive the car to get her and take her to the hospital. This doesn't sound out of the ordinary until I tell you this: I only have a learner's license so asking me to do this is illegal and puts me in a great deal of trouble if I get caught.
I pick her up just in time for her to start a huge puke fest and because she's totally out of it I can't get her to tell me how to get to the hospital. Thankfully, some friends of hers were visiting the hotel where she works and lead me to the hospital.
Now we are at the hospital (parked in the amublance area so that we can get mom a wheelchair) and we get into the emergency room, sign her in and the lady taking down my mom's information some how did this:

heat stroke = migrane
hotel = hospital laundry room

So some of the information given was a bit to explain to the doctor and some of it we just let it pass....
Anyways, this is where life went even worse...while my mom was being written up I told her I had to go move the car out of the amublance bay before it got toed or obstructed an ambulance coming in.
I got outside and began to move the car out of the bay...towards the exit of the hospital and i turn the corner at this spot because I see a parking spot RIGHT at the exit...PERFECT...except when I turn the car accelerated, jumped the curb and ran right into the van in front of me.
At this point I went into shock and sat there saying "Oh my god" and covering my mouth with my hands a whole bunch, tears welling up and visibley shaken. An old man came over. He made sure I was OK, that I was taking down the license plate and he inspected the damage done. My car was fine but the lady's van has a dent larger than a basketball and the covering of the right light was cracked and a piece fell out.
The lady came about 5 minutes afterward and she didn't notice the dent until the old man told her. I got out of the car, trying hard not to cry, and exchanged information with her. I got back in the car...bawled for a bit, called Ryan and left a message and then called my dad to let him know.
I went back into the hospital and told mom...everyone took it well, even the lady...and Ryan called me back about an hour later to talk to me and make sure I was ok.
Now...we waited in the emergency room waiting room for 2 hours before my mom was admitted...and then waited another 2 hours for the doctor to see her. I took about an hour to an hour and a half of absence in the middle of this to walk all the way downtown to get something to eat. I only felt horrible on the way back because it was 38 degrees celcius outside and I was walking uphill for a half hour to get back to the hospital...so I was dying. My mom was crazy...she asked me to get her lotto tickets for her...so I had to go back outside and around the hospital to the giftshop to do it.
At this time I got a call from Ryan who was now in town (he was in Tilly when he called me back the first time) and I asked him to come to the hospital. He arrived and we waited another 20-30 minutes until the doctor came in.
The doctor told mom she had heat exhaustion and that she'd need a shot of demoral and some other peice of junk...
So 10 minutes later a nurse came and shot my mom in the bum...hehe...in both cheeks so she's hopping around like a rabbit...hehe
We had to wait another 10 minutes before the nurse said we could leave...

The rest of the day was more rested, Ryan and I watched coach Carter...followed by horse play that lead to me hitting my head against Ryan's and having a headache...even now...

So the whole affair of leaving the gym to pick my mom up, get to the hospital, etc, etc and then go home took from 2pm to 8pm.

Yeah...anyways...I need some Advil smile

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  • User Comments: [3]
    Community Member

    Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 06:35pm

    omg!!! Thats so horrible!! gonk But I am very glad that your mom only had heat stroke I mean I was really worried it might have been something else. And it really super suchs that you hit that van. But I am glad that you are ok and that it wasn't wrost. 3nodding *hugs Krysil lots* I am just glad you guys are ok now. heart

    Community Member

    Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 06:40pm

    To think this wouldn't have happened if my dad had gotten the car to an auto-body when I told him in the first place there was something wrong with it...like it accelerates when I press the breaks and 1 time I pressed the gas and there was no revving at all...it just kinda rolled backwards. That and my mom shouldn't have asked me to drive...since being a learner's license there will be a lot of hell to pay if the lady did file a report

    Community Member

    Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 11:16pm

    Ouch, well, at least nothing *really* bad happened and that no one got hurt.

    User Comments: [3]
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