what am i supposed to do on this guild
question Well, there are a few options open to you here:
Option One (1):You can receive answers to any question that you may have for anything around Gaia. There are several older members who come back around and help newbies that are here now getting into it becaues they remember this guild from when THEY were newbies.
smile Those people will be of immesurable help to you... Next would be...
Option Two (2):You can even help people and answer questions on here YOURSELF. There are plenty of people who are newer and less educated on Gaia then you are. Why not lend a helping hand? Good karma is your best friend in the world... And lastly...
Option Three (3):You can sit around and beg on the charity forums for items.
razz smile Although with the way that your avatar is looking, I don't think that anyone will really be willing to donate to you when there are so many other less... how should I say.... "tricked out" avatars.
That's what you can do here.