
When an attacker declares attack against another player, they must roll a 6-Sided Dice. The defended then also rolls a 6-Sided dice. If the defended's roll beats the attackers roll, they can then defend successfully. If the Attacker's roll is higher, he sucessfully hits. The first 5 hits will be buts and grazing blows. The 6th will be a serious injury. Then the injured fighter then can choose to withdraw from the fight or continue fighting. Should the injuried fighter get injured twice, they are eligible for a True Musou(Also known as Musou Rage) attack. When attacking with a Musou Rage Attack, the attacker gets to roll a 12-Sided dice against the defenders 6-sided dice. Should the Attacked succeed, it instantly wounds the defender.

When a wounded fighter is hit again, he is wounded moreso. When wounded 3 times, the fighter looses the fight and must take the fall.

Combat is done in something called Rounds. When each player declares the action being made, that is the end of a round.


Each player gets 1 Musou attack, and 1 True Musou attack, which is an extended, more powerful versioun of the first. A Musou attack can be used after either hitting 1 out of 3 attacks, or after blocking successfully 3 times in a row. Each character may only have ONE musou attack, which will be tacked on to their character Bio, as well as the enxtended, more powerufl version of the same attack, the True Musou.


There are 5 elements in this realm.


Each Character can choose only ONE element. That will be the basis of their special powers, as close to magic as one can get.

Elemental Powers! OOOOOOOOO! Scary!

Basic Orb: Sends a small orb of the chosen element out, each elemnt having a different effect.

Enchant Weapon: For one attack player may summon their chosen element onto their weapon to do x2 damage to their target.

True Musou: This attack ALWAYS enchants the players weapon whatever element they choose, and if it lands also has a chance to do the effect of the orb of element.

Summoning an orb takes that players attack turn, and then the attacker and defender must roll to see if the orb hits. If it does the effects listed below take place. If not combat resumes as normal, and the defender has a chance to make a counter attack.

Elemental Orb Effects:

Fire: Knocks Opponents down, no matter what.

Ice: Freezes them in place for one round of combat

Wind: Stuns them, as wind and electricity are one in the same in the DW/ROTK series. Shocks the nerves and all that jazz, leaving the oopenet stunned for 1 round.

Light: Breaks opponents defense. If the orb hits them, whether they guard or not, they still take the hit.

Darkness: Blinds the opponet for 1 round of combat.

If there are ANY questions about this combat system, PM KOJERICO, not KITTEN. I am in charge of this. Also, all players MUST send KOJERICO a description of their Musou and Musou rage attacks, so that I can go over them first. If they are acceptable and not all powerful, I will foward them to Kitten and have them tacked to your profile.