In the many years since this guild has been opened, I've noticed in myself and in others, that there’s been development / growth, in leaps and bounds, of spiritual discernment. And it seems that we’ve reached an impasse, at least for me, to continue posting on this website with a clean conscience after letting this issue be known to the guild members (one of my last obligations; I must alert of the issue).

With the original guild captain’s recent departure from the guild in my absence, to my horror I became captain (though I was not comfortable holding that title and have since given it to the guild mule [an account he, Guild Captain, made and habitually operated from]). I have no idea why he left (and invited him back to at least offer explanation), but I cannot function as this guild’s leader and would advise against anyone seeking such a thing in this environment:

The impasse is this: lies and truth cannot mix. Eyewitness testimony and myth/fables cannot mix. And half-truths are also half-lies.

      • 2 Peter 1:16 New International Version

        16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

      • 1 Timothy 4:7 New International Version

        7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.

Not only is this unrealistic avatar, as close to accurate as I’d like it to be/like to make it, in the end only ever truly a distortion of who I fully (and objectively) am (not subjectively what I feel like, but who I objectively am as God made me to be), but, in the same vein, allowing this Guild to “pass” as “Christian Fellowship” is not the full, honest truth (just partial truth). And I will share why:

This online fellowship operating under pseudonyms—where no one knows each other’s true name and face—and we’re advised not to because of the unrestrained nature of the internet where there are too many eyes that naturally should not be able to become aware of you (and whose trustworthiness or untrustworthiness you cannot verify with your own eyes as witness) but can be reading information about its users and use it for evil, ergo hindering true, open and honest fellowship and community, where we can be a real present help when you need it, like a local gathering can, or even tell if anyone is really there listening (as former Guild Captain, Garland-Green, hinted to in one of his announcements unable to tell if he was preaching to an empty room), nor see if they’re applying the teachings to their life to avoid incurring wrath on the group (because we can’t be witnesses to each other’s lives), nor have real and timely conversations with the presence of both individuals there at the same time—is enabling the further isolation of the sheep (keeping them isolated and as strangers, not God’s family, all under the guise of "this is true fellowship"), not actually bringing them together in true fellowship, but acting as a counterfeit stand in of true fellowship (the latter of which can build honest community and give you a place of belonging in it when the world rejects you for wanting to live in obedience to the Commands, and actually allow you to fully live and make a living in full obedience to YHWH in that community). Nor can this guild offer properly-restrained community, one that does not meddle in the affairs of another household; doesn’t usurp the place of father and mother in the household structure to directly reach their child, nor usurp the place of a husband in a married woman’s life (her husband being the one whom she should ask questions of not just of any man).

      • 1 Corinthians 14:35 World English Bible

        35 if they desire to learn anything. “Let them ask their own husbands at home, for it is shameful for a wife to be talking in the assembly.

      • Titus 2:3-5 World English Bible

        3 and that older women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good, 4 that they may train the young wives to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sober minded, chaste, workers at home, kind, being in subjection to their own husbands, that God’s word may not be blasphemed.

For similar reasons, I closed down the Jesus’ Lilies—Sister’s Guild that I was also made captain of and my conscience could no longer take it upon really seeing certain truths in Scripture (albeit, in a Guild full of women only, Sister’s Guild, that more strongly had the element of bypassing a husband’s authority over his wife to reach her mind directly; some of the guild members were married. So I shut that down).

And if we can’t be witnesses to who we really are, we run the risk of committing being “unequally-yoked” unawares (Jezebel, idolatrous myth-lover doing a “religion” but not “as it is written”). And I certainly don’t want to be like her, misleading or being misled.

The guild—because of how it operates, inherently because of how this website operates, requiring false masks and pseudonyms to operate safely in the dangerous environment, but not safely in terms of divine wrath unleashing for false things tolerated amongst us—is fellowship not “built up to code”. And it is unsafe being here. (Including reaping back divine judgment for using this measure of walking distorted: you may reap an “anti”, a false-stand-in counterfeit deception back onto your house in other areas of life for “walking” in this place, how it would have you dress, distorted, under a fake name). Again, this “fellowship” is not “built up to code” [to YHWH’s standards of Truth alone]. It is unsafe being here.

To anyone who may chance upon the landing page of the “ruins” of this guild in the future, after it’s been shut down, a warning to you if you’re seeking genuine Christian fellowship: flee. Come out of this place/site. Seek full, honest fellowship IRL [in real life] with the Truth of Scripture and in the Truth alone—in body and in Spirit.


I will be locking this topic. Do not reply / commit any further distortions of yourself by continuing to post after learning this [lest you're the guild captain who wishes to inform why you left, and cleanly break away having fully alerted why]. I plead with you, disentangle yourself from this website. Seek Truth, walk in real life, cleanly, no myths. May YHWH bring you to at least one other person in your life to walk in Truth along with you wherever it is that you all live or are moved to be.