As the crowd waits, the tron screen springs to life with static before it clears to show a figure who's features are obscured dressed in black sitting cross legged reading from a tome surrounding by lit candles.

"Since the dawn of their existence, there has been one question that has been burned in the back of the minds of every man, woman and child that has walked this earth; when will the end times come and in what form will it take?

Many have tried to answer that question....Jim Jones and the fear of an nuclear holocaust...Marshall Applegate and his belief that following a comet on a spaceship to escape a dying and even the great scholarĀ  Nostradamus has sought in vain to when doomsday will fall. Each time a new face emerges to take up the mantle, only to be thrown away as another charlatan. And that what brings me...

*The figure slams the book shut*

"To you...Boom"

The screen shifts to various examples of Boom's during his matches all the while the candles are extinguished one by one.

"You like to fancy yourself as the embodiment of destruction, always looking to sow trouble and chaos all the while seemingly to find your way out of it relatively unscathed. This time however, you dug yourself a hole you won't be able to get out of. You spread a message that destruction should be celebrated rather than feared."

The figure clicks his tongue disapprovingly.

"Big mistake. For you are just another charlatan whom I will expose in this...the beginning of my path here in WWFG and while I can respect your methods, just know that the bell will soon toll for you and all will find realize that Doomsday isn't just coming..."

The camera pans down to the final lit candle sitting at the figure's feet and a hand reaches down to snuff out the flame as the last words are intoned.

"It's Here"

From the rising smoke comes a single phrase

Erynys is coming

The screen flashes to black.