
NICKNAMES Hexles, Hexy
GENDER nonbinary
CREATION DATE Between July and November 2058
LANGUAGES English primarily.
Various lullabies in French, Spanish, German, Irish, Welsh, and Scots Gaelic (common languages in the UK and Ireland)

HAUNT Wool’s Orphanage

APPEARANCE While Hex does not usually assume a visible form, when they are visible, it is in the form of a pale hooded snake that manipulated objects via a dextrous tail and head. They float at around shoulder level of whoever is nearby.
LENGTH Roughly 2 feet

CHAOTIC Unfortunately, Hex exists to cause chaos and trouble in the lives of already traumatized and broken children. However, this trouble is meant to be funny–or so anger-inducing the children explode and express their true emotions. They are a manifestation of worry and fear, hope and despair, catastrophic happiness and ecstatic tragedy, and they exist to distract and disrupt.

CURIOUS Hex is a young spirit and is fascinated by tales of the world outside their haunt. Tales of schooling and academia like muggle school and particularly Hogwarts excite them, but in general they just enjoy hearing about and participating in any kind of fun the children might be up to. They do not understand much of the world, and aren’t in any particular rush to learn everything, but any detail is fun.

LOQUACIOUS Hex has no censor, and generally does not stop mumbling their stream-of-consciousness. This never-ending monologue is made of short phrases in bursts and easily ignored or lost as hisses in the breeze. Aloud and clearly, they screech pithy and simple phrases full of double meanings and emotion– A simple “Bye Bye” is a mocking encouragement for a child to never return, but also a tearful farewell asking the adopted child to move on with their life. For parseltongues, Hex’s monologues will appear to be more coherent and fluid.

PERSISTENT Partially due to their naivety and partially due to their nature, Hex is annoyingly persistent in their chaos and bothering. If they have decided to bother someone, they will not stop until they have elicited a reaction. They are quite terrible at understanding subtle cues of frustration or emotional repression, and sometimes don’t stop even when told to, choosing to continue their pestering: attention–even anger– is preferable to disregard.

SYMPATHETIC Hex is not without sympathy though, and if a child is crying or deeply stressed, they will offer awkward sympathy, guiding lonely people together, putting on hopefully-comforting music, and leaving innocuous signs of companionship. There is sympathy there, and they show concern when they think a child is acting uncharacteristically.

■ Upending Wool’s by throwing people’s things everywhere
■ Getting dressed up/ having stuff piled on them.
■ Lying (for the reactions!)

■ Noise and music
■ Cake and tacos (in people’s face)
■ Plushies. Children’s attempts to hug Hex amuse them greatly, but plushies seem like a good substitute.
■ Parseltongues– Hex’s mumbled hisses communicate more fluently to parseltongues than others.
■ Electronics– Hex cannot actually manipulate electronics, but their presence near the electronic devices does cause weird effects.
■ Nicknames

■ Seriousness. Usually accompanies by silence, seriousness is decidedly un-fun. Even annoyance is more interesting than seriousness.
■ Homework– most of the kids don’t like it, and people need to concentrate while doing it, which means ruckus is not appreciated or caused.
■ Adoption Days. It means a child is leaving, and a recurring adult will no longer be coming.
■ Fire and light– heat in general is uncomfortable. The kitchen, though a gold mine for chaos, is an uncomfortable for them.
■ Money– Apparently, no one has it, everyone needs, and it causes a case of the Seriousness.

■ Vivacity – Hex is a manifestation of energy and emotion, and they strive to create havoc and cheer.
■ Open– Hex is an open if dishonest book, and welcomes any resident of Wool’s.

■ Unaware– Being an embodiment of emotions does not mean being able to parse other people’s, and Hex does not feel compelled to obey a direct “stop” or “please”. Sometimes not even the tears of frustration can prevent them from pushing people too far.
■ Vain– When Hex has decided they need attention, they stop at nothing to receive it.

■ Perhaps one day all of the children will have happy homes and everyone will be laughing and smiling.
■ One day they shall go to Hogwarts and meet this Peeves prankster for themselves.

■ Perhaps one day all the children will have happy homes and no one will be there to keep them company.
■ One day someone will capture them and cook them in the Stew Pot of Seriousness.

👻🐍FORMATION Hex was formed in the summer of 2058 from the collective chaos following the failed animagus transformation of Angier Huiyan Zheng. Angier had been a recently surrendered teen who attempted the animagus transformation to terrible results, resulting in the exploded parts of his human and would-be-animagus snake form. Hex’s consciousness formed in the following months and has been causing chaos since.

Most mornings between the hours of 3 and 5, they decide it is time to start crashing pots and pans around. At random times neat rooms get stuff thrown around, tossed over the lights or railings. CHAOS! SQUEALS! Whenever a kid is adopted, their stuff starts flying away from wherever they're trying to pack, then CAKE appears. Streamers and party materials from birthdays and other celebrations come flying out the attic and their shrill voice squeaks: BYE BYE KIDDO!

Sometimes though, a kid crying alone in a closet will find the door creaks open and just won't close. A trail of bread crumbs forms, leading them to another Wool's resident who can sympathize. And sometimes, Hex will stack things messily back into place, or leave a small flower on their pillow and turn the radio to a comforting song.

Wool’s Caretakers: Luke Nalson and Steffi Nalson-Lillantine
■ All Wool’s children at and following July 2058.
■ Regular Wool’s volunteers

CREATED 16 January 2023
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