After another day of hard travel you come to a lone building in the middle of nowhere, the Crossroads Inn. The friendly staff were welcoming and a hot meal and a bed in a warm room sounded too inviting to pass up on this day. Freed of your burdens for the night, you slip into you room for some welcomed rest...

[ Character Sheets ]

  • 1]
  • 2]
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[ Character Creation ]

Available Sources:
Banned Resources:

ECL: 3
Gold: Starting Equipment or Starting Gold
Races: No Varent Human, No Custom Linage; All others are open
Ability Scores*: 27 Point Buy or 2d6+6, If your roll is less than 25 point buy's equivalent then you have permission to re-roll the array.
Hit Points: Constitution Score plus Hit Die Max for first level. Normal pagression there after.

[ House/Optional Rules ]

1] If you wish to change your Racial Stat Boosts, Tool, Skill, Weapon Prof. Blah, blahs you may.