Greetings Fellow Guild Members,

This is a special Sub Forum where you can learn all about creating Cosplay / Crossplay Outfits. Their are threads that have general info, others with Pattern info, and full Tutorials that will help guide you through a partial or full outfit creation.

Both our Crew Member Xinitia (Xac) and Vice Captain Angelmage99 (Angel) have started a lot of different Tutorial Threads. Please check them out. They have a lot of helpful and interesting info in them. Keep in mind that some of the Tutorials are still being worked on.

Posting Cosplay Tutorial Threads. Their is an announcement thread with general rules on posting Cosplay Tutorial's created by Crew Member Xinitia. For now you need to ask either myself or Vice Captain Angelmage99 first before starting a tutorial thread. Angel is working hard at creating new threads and we don't want any duplicates.

If you don't see what info or Tutorial that you want please either send Vice Captain Angelmage99 or myself a Message. Currently Crew Member Xinitia (Xac) is not active on the Guild. If you prefer you can start a new thread in the Cosplay Help Sub Forum with your question. That option gives other Guild Members to help you out as well with your question.

Have fun checking out the Tutorials.