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Lost a friend for parodying a song. Am I doomed?

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:06 pm
Long story short: In 2017, I took a Jimmy Buffett song and did a comical spin on it using the current president as source material to try and cheer a friend up, despite apologizing in advance if it was offensive. Said friend told me "I hope 2020 screws you over!" after an angry outburst and we never spoke (or apologized) again. Am I doomed and is this why the year 2020 is so cursed?

My concerns are --
Have I committed a grave sin and am therefore "cursed for life"?
Should I throw up my hands and say my life is over because of 2020?
Will I ever be forgiven if I do find a way to apologize?
Is it too late to change beliefs?
Is everyone very judgmental even at the smallest of matters?
I don't reach out to priests anymore. Should I reach out to one just because?

I want to leave home for better climes despite my family's wishes to stay, pandemic or no pandemic. Should I stay or go?

Do I have the right to believe that when I die, my soul will find a home in the cosmos somewhere where the other departed get to do the good things they wanted to do in life, but couldn't due to disease or some other calamity that cut their lives short?  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:19 pm
Long story short: In 2017, I took a Jimmy Buffett song and did a comical spin on it using the current president as source material to try and cheer a friend up, despite apologizing in advance if it was offensive. Said friend told me "I hope 2020 screws you over!" after an angry outburst and we never spoke (or apologized) again. Am I doomed and is this why the year 2020 is so cursed?

My concerns are --
Have I committed a grave sin and am therefore "cursed for life"?
Should I throw up my hands and say my life is over because of 2020?
Will I ever be forgiven if I do find a way to apologize?
Is it too late to change beliefs?
Is everyone very judgmental even at the smallest of matters?
I don't reach out to priests anymore. Should I reach out to one just because?

I want to leave home for better climes despite my family's wishes to stay, pandemic or no pandemic. Should I stay or go?

Do I have the right to believe that when I die, my soul will find a home in the cosmos somewhere where the other departed get to do the good things they wanted to do in life, but couldn't due to disease or some other calamity that cut their lives short?

I'm sorry to hear that in your effort to cheer up your friend that it has the opposite effect. We live in a culture that's super sensitive and easily offended - not a great thing. It seems this election with politics and everything that's it has everyone on edge.

It's true that 2020 hasn't been the best year, but how can one video you made for your friend make 2020 cursed? Nah, that's not it. There's so much more than 2020 than I think we even understand right now.

Why do you believe you committed a grave sin? While I don't know the exact contents of your video, it doesn't sound like you were meaning to be offensive or bring harm to everyone. Did you intentionally make the video to upset your friend? No, it doesn't seem that way. If you did that's one story, but if you didn't - you couldn't have known your friend would've acted like that. Maybe they assumed you were for or against a presidential canditate by what was in your video and they didn't agree.

No, your life isn't over because of the events of 2020. A lot of people are feeling this way right now, and suicide rates have gone up, but I'm hoping that's now how you're feeling right now. If that's the case then please get help! There are suicide helplines in most countries to help you.

If you have apologized and your friend didn't accept the apology, that is their problem, not yours. Sometimes we can only do so much.

I suppose it's never too late to change your beliefs, but definitely be aware of what you're changing them to and why. Do you mean to change a religion, a presidential candidate pick, etc.?

Most people in our culture today are become easily offended. The racism agendas like the ones pushed in Ukraine years ago to make people fight for years so the people in power could strip rights has an uncanny similarity. Don't buy into it, but do understand that a lot of people are this way right now. However, if a friend is going to stop being your friend over such a petty matter then they weren't going to stick with the friendship in the long haul anyway.

If you feel you need to talk to someone, a priest or a pastor or someone at a church can be a good way to go. There are many helpful ones out there that don't mind taking a moment to listen to you. Some of them might want you to make an appointment, though.

The decision to leave home is a big one. I suppose this all depends on your age, are you able to support yourself in the world with how things are right now, maybe your family is concerned with all the current tension out there and would rather you stay until this pandemic or election blows over. There's a million factors here so I can't tell you for sure whether to stay or go. Definitely consult God in prayer about this before you do anything, too.

Generally speaking, you have the right to believe what you want. You could sit here and believe that cheese is actually chocolate or watermelons are purple before you cut them open, but it doesn't make the beliefs accurate or give them a foundation. You can believe that when you die that your soul will find a home out there somewhere forever, but is this accurate? Is this where your beliefs truly stand?

I believe that when we all die, we will meet God and according to how we lived our life and if we followed God's laws or not, that judgement will be passed. The final verdict is Heaven or Hell. If it's Heaven, it will be paradise, happiness, and health forever. If Hell, there will be eternal suffering and as sad as this is, Salvation is that choice that each person can choose to accept or reject.  


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:44 pm

"Volcano" by Jimmy Buffett was the song, a number of decades old. I couldn't understand what the friend said, but he blocked me from the chat before I made a second apology and asked anything more about what dark materials offended him at the jest. I only know is that he stopped using Discord a year and a half later after changing tags a few times. So it's unknown whether poking fun of leaders in song Weird Al style falls under "sedition".

I'm hesitant to approach to someone to help other than my boyfriend and my mother to help in anything because my grandmother might see it as a planned act of abandonment. I'm not abandoning her, just moving someplace where it's easier to pay back debt quicker and live comfortably. I don't want to live out the 2008 collapse fallout movie all over again.

I meant changing a religion because Protestantism doesn't feel right. Last few times I tried to drop hints, someone would either get upset, or I'd bite the bullet like Lisa Simpson did in "Lisa the Iconoclast" and be forever burdened by traditions that don't make me comfortable. Even graveyard visits I shudder at because gravestones remind me of a tempting urge to abandon living and join my ancestors in the afterlife.

Last time I spoke to a priest, he made me feel like I should stay home and accept the family as they are, traditions and all. If I go contact a church leader again, I'd use a different online name and ask to remain anonymous so I don't get hurt so much like last time.

It'd be ideal to leave home after it's deemed safe to travel, but any resources I tried to raise to fund a trip had to be spent on covering unexpected bills. I still want to leave by mid-spring, even if I have to ride with my sister's family when they visit next summer, or start a long hike beginning in mid-September.

When you're under the weather, ideas of a utopian afterlife are believable even if they are not to most.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:47 pm

"Volcano" by Jimmy Buffett was the song, a number of decades old. I couldn't understand what the friend said, but he blocked me from the chat before I made a second apology and asked anything more about what dark materials offended him at the jest. I only know is that he stopped using Discord a year and a half later after changing tags a few times. So it's unknown whether poking fun of leaders in song Weird Al style falls under "sedition".

I'm hesitant to approach to someone to help other than my boyfriend and my mother to help in anything because my grandmother might see it as a planned act of abandonment. I'm not abandoning her, just moving someplace where it's easier to pay back debt quicker and live comfortably. I don't want to live out the 2008 collapse fallout movie all over again.

I meant changing a religion because Protestantism doesn't feel right. Last few times I tried to drop hints, someone would either get upset, or I'd bite the bullet like Lisa Simpson did in "Lisa the Iconoclast" and be forever burdened by traditions that don't make me comfortable. Even graveyard visits I shudder at because gravestones remind me of a tempting urge to abandon living and join my ancestors in the afterlife.

Last time I spoke to a priest, he made me feel like I should stay home and accept the family as they are, traditions and all. If I go contact a church leader again, I'd use a different online name and ask to remain anonymous so I don't get hurt so much like last time.

It'd be ideal to leave home after it's deemed safe to travel, but any resources I tried to raise to fund a trip had to be spent on covering unexpected bills. I still want to leave by mid-spring, even if I have to ride with my sister's family when they visit next summer, or start a long hike beginning in mid-September.

When you're under the weather, ideas of a utopian afterlife are believable even if they are not to most.

Sounds like you've apologized and tried to apologize to your friend and it's all you can do.

Be careful if your motivation for moving is debt because if not done for the right reasons or the right figures in mind, it can lead into more debt. I don't know your situation, but plan carefully. For paying debt, I recommend daveramsey.com/blog (lots of great articles here. Find the baby steps. They are useful!)

I understand a thing or two about religious with hard core traditions that are too stubborn to change and struggle with change. It's difficult because I don't think God designed us to stay in this tradition bubble because He's always got new and different things planned for us. Not everyone's situation is going to be the same. I'm still in one of these congregations and have not found any other alternatives so if you need to talk to someone about traditions, feel free to chat with me - I understand.

Don't let a religion or a group stop you from growing in the Lord. Sometimes churches end up dying or slowly dying spiritually and it's terrible for everyone involved. The overall spirit of those around you can drag you down with the feelings of hopelessness or, "When will this ever change?"

Ah, I see. Priests are people, they do have their opinions on hearing situations. Is he right? Is he all that correct? You must read God's word, pray, and decide that. I'm sorry to hear you were hurt the last time. Were you hurt because he was wrong or because he told you what you didn't want to hear?

I hope you are able to figure things out. Life isn't easy, is it? I wish it were, but each challenge is unique.  


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:59 pm

I'd rather not follow Ramsey anything...reminds me of my former friend because he tried the finance advice, and it didn't help that the guy had to move back with his family, strike out on his own again, finally admit that his depression is too deep to be healed, and announce he was gay. I'd rather go for David C. Pack's pamphlet "End Your Financial Worries" again instead.

I'm able to turn off and limit exposure to things that remind me too much of Samhein and Yule festivities. Last year was the best years I've had.

I'm afraid to admit truth to spiritual advisors because they might take what I say and use it against me, especially when I say I love family, but they get on my nerves to the point where an open space nature and mediation commune would be a better place to live.

I'm already convinced that the only day I don't have to wear any psychological and literal masks is when I die and go home. Imagine a world where being two meters/six feet apart all the time in everything you do will become very, very permanent. As permanent as invasive airport security measures post-2012.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:11 am

I'd rather not follow Ramsey anything...reminds me of my former friend because he tried the finance advice, and it didn't help that the guy had to move back with his family, strike out on his own again, finally admit that his depression is too deep to be healed, and announce he was gay. I'd rather go for David C. Pack's pamphlet "End Your Financial Worries" again instead.

I'm able to turn off and limit exposure to things that remind me too much of Samhein and Yule festivities. Last year was the best years I've had.

I'm afraid to admit truth to spiritual advisors because they might take what I say and use it against me, especially when I say I love family, but they get on my nerves to the point where an open space nature and mediation commune would be a better place to live.

I'm already convinced that the only day I don't have to wear any psychological and literal masks is when I die and go home. Imagine a world where being two meters/six feet apart all the time in everything you do will become very, very permanent. As permanent as invasive airport security measures post-2012.

Was it your friend giving you the advice or Dave Ramsey? Some people read and article and think they know the world. I suggest reading the material for yourself. The baby steps are actually so logical - you can google images of Dave Ramsey baby steps without going to the blog. My parents were so into him for so long and still are, but they had their own debts for a time. I find his baby steps immensely helpful for staying out of debt, but it takes a lot of persistance.

Whatever advice you follow, make sure it'll do good with your finances.

Your suspicion about spiritual advisors is not at all uncommon. Many people have been hurt by spiritual leaders, but we can't assume they are all the same.

One day Heaven will be there, but we must also remember to fulfill the purpose God has for us here first.  


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:19 am
I'm not personally of the belief that offending someone is a sin, if it is unintentional. You apologized in advance and mentioned it was meant to be humorous, so if he was such a big whiny baby about it then that's on him.

2020 has been rough, but tough times never last forever. I found a job this year and maybe it's just where I live, but I haven't noticed any particular difference. I can still go out and about, I avoided people anyway, and I actually like the mask because having my face covered helps my confidence (I'm not so good in public, ya know?)

As for going to a priest, moving, or switching churches... We all have an eternal priest. One who knows far better than some schmuck in a cassock, much less some idiot on the internet like myself. Pray and ask for guidance and wisdom, spend time reading God's word... It's not as fast as asking a priest, but you can be guaranteed the correct answer.

Ah, and then I do have advice as far as IF you want to look into other churches. Go to Google and type in "(City of residence) (state of residence) churches". The list that pops up is neat in that once you click one, you're given a "Go to Site" option. Read their mission statement/statement of faith, read the pages of the site to see how they sit with you, and then they often have previously streamed sermons and worship services you can watch - all without having to physically go there or deal with anyone! Then you can always call up if you have any questions.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 8:02 pm

He brought up Ramsey, but looking at some of the stuff he came off as too harsh. Also not easy to make money especially if your family uses your bank account to keep their money in and make transactions.

Granted, I do have a bank account of my own nowadays for sales of things online, physical and at a certain point, art that's printed on stuff on demand. I don't make new art anymore, because I'll get called out on copying someone else's work, like the web site is currently getting called out on making digital items based off of the work of independent artists that don't get much credit, even with select changes and creative licensing (cartoon shows getting veiled Marvel comic character and lore references when it comes to power gauntlets and magic stones that enhance said gauntlet for example are a different matter).

There's only much I can do to improve, but odds are I'll die around the age of 50 before seeing a divine government take hold and bring real peace to the planet.  



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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:35 pm

He brought up Ramsey, but looking at some of the stuff he came off as too harsh. Also not easy to make money especially if your family uses your bank account to keep their money in and make transactions.

Granted, I do have a bank account of my own nowadays for sales of things online, physical and at a certain point, art that's printed on stuff on demand. I don't make new art anymore, because I'll get called out on copying someone else's work, like the web site is currently getting called out on making digital items based off of the work of independent artists that don't get much credit, even with select changes and creative licensing (cartoon shows getting veiled Marvel comic character and lore references when it comes to power gauntlets and magic stones that enhance said gauntlet for example are a different matter).

There's only much I can do to improve, but odds are I'll die around the age of 50 before seeing a divine government take hold and bring real peace to the planet.

I understand. That's the thing with advice (some of it isn't a one size fits all). I, too, have been a victim of financial abuse. You get 2 steps ahead, but you're always 3 steps behind. I get it. It doesn't mean his advice is bad, it just means it doesn't feel 100% practical for the time being. Definitely get away from those that are financially abusing you as it brings a lot of issues for you in the long term. It takes a while to recover from such events.

Was he harsh or passionate? I don't know your friends, but sometimes when people know a lot about something, their intention is to help - even if they come across as know-it-all.

I hear you, copyrights can be a drag. If art helps you get by, I'm sure there's ways to create your own content and sell.

Well, I hope that you are able to live beyond 50 and that things will get even better in life for you. Sometimes when we don't see or feel a lot of hope is the moment that God decides he's going to amaze us with something 3nodding  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:10 pm

He brought up Ramsey, but looking at some of the stuff he came off as too harsh. Also not easy to make money especially if your family uses your bank account to keep their money in and make transactions.

Granted, I do have a bank account of my own nowadays for sales of things online, physical and at a certain point, art that's printed on stuff on demand. I don't make new art anymore, because I'll get called out on copying someone else's work, like the web site is currently getting called out on making digital items based off of the work of independent artists that don't get much credit, even with select changes and creative licensing (cartoon shows getting veiled Marvel comic character and lore references when it comes to power gauntlets and magic stones that enhance said gauntlet for example are a different matter).

There's only much I can do to improve, but odds are I'll die around the age of 50 before seeing a divine government take hold and bring real peace to the planet.

I understand. That's the thing with advice (some of it isn't a one size fits all). I, too, have been a victim of financial abuse. You get 2 steps ahead, but you're always 3 steps behind. I get it. It doesn't mean his advice is bad, it just means it doesn't feel 100% practical for the time being. Definitely get away from those that are financially abusing you as it brings a lot of issues for you in the long term. It takes a while to recover from such events.

Was he harsh or passionate? I don't know your friends, but sometimes when people know a lot about something, their intention is to help - even if they come across as know-it-all.

I hear you, copyrights can be a drag. If art helps you get by, I'm sure there's ways to create your own content and sell.

Well, I hope that you are able to live beyond 50 and that things will get even better in life for you. Sometimes when we don't see or feel a lot of hope is the moment that God decides he's going to amaze us with something 3nodding

The former friend was soft when in a good mood. Harsh when in a bad mood.

I can't say for certain for Ramsey the financial advisor, but sometimes his temper when delivering advice is that of an angry TV chef also called Ramsey.

The most bold thing I've done today is told family don't bring up politics at the table. My emotional compass you could say is most active once per month.

Depending on what things I expose myself to, I'm very prone to heightened positive moods, and the negative moods when there are awful things.

Limiting the exposure to bad things in broadcasting has helped, but only so much. At least I have more control of things when I'm in bed asleep than awake and surrounded by family who will never understand you.

To me, the philosophy of life now is "Do what you must so that you will be back in bed again and safe from the tumult."  



Chatty Conversationalist

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:27 pm

He brought up Ramsey, but looking at some of the stuff he came off as too harsh. Also not easy to make money especially if your family uses your bank account to keep their money in and make transactions.

Granted, I do have a bank account of my own nowadays for sales of things online, physical and at a certain point, art that's printed on stuff on demand. I don't make new art anymore, because I'll get called out on copying someone else's work, like the web site is currently getting called out on making digital items based off of the work of independent artists that don't get much credit, even with select changes and creative licensing (cartoon shows getting veiled Marvel comic character and lore references when it comes to power gauntlets and magic stones that enhance said gauntlet for example are a different matter).

There's only much I can do to improve, but odds are I'll die around the age of 50 before seeing a divine government take hold and bring real peace to the planet.

I understand. That's the thing with advice (some of it isn't a one size fits all). I, too, have been a victim of financial abuse. You get 2 steps ahead, but you're always 3 steps behind. I get it. It doesn't mean his advice is bad, it just means it doesn't feel 100% practical for the time being. Definitely get away from those that are financially abusing you as it brings a lot of issues for you in the long term. It takes a while to recover from such events.

Was he harsh or passionate? I don't know your friends, but sometimes when people know a lot about something, their intention is to help - even if they come across as know-it-all.

I hear you, copyrights can be a drag. If art helps you get by, I'm sure there's ways to create your own content and sell.

Well, I hope that you are able to live beyond 50 and that things will get even better in life for you. Sometimes when we don't see or feel a lot of hope is the moment that God decides he's going to amaze us with something 3nodding

The former friend was soft when in a good mood. Harsh when in a bad mood.

I can't say for certain for Ramsey the financial advisor, but sometimes his temper when delivering advice is that of an angry TV chef also called Ramsey.

The most bold thing I've done today is told family don't bring up politics at the table. My emotional compass you could say is most active once per month.

Depending on what things I expose myself to, I'm very prone to heightened positive moods, and the negative moods when there are awful things.

Limiting the exposure to bad things in broadcasting has helped, but only so much. At least I have more control of things when I'm in bed asleep than awake and surrounded by family who will never understand you.

To me, the philosophy of life now is "Do what you must so that you will be back in bed again and safe from the tumult."

I guess a lot of people tend to be that way with their emotions.

I hope that you can figure out some of those new changes you're thinking about making to better your life. Sometimes we hit that wall where we feel stuck, but often times it isn't that way forever.  
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