Character Application

XXXXXAelius Euanthe

XXXXXFairy Tail


Role-play Sample

XXXXXOut behind the Fairy Tail guild hall, the sound of a light melody played on an acoustic guitar filled the air. Upon further inspection, one could easily locate the source of this music, spotting a lone figure who sat beneath the shade of a tall tree. The picture of serenity, it seemed that as if this individual was perfectly at peace, enjoying the calm and quiet that surrounded him. Unfortunately, like all things in life, such an experience was only temporary, as a dark presence would soon encroach upon the poor man.

XXXXXHearing the soft sound of the grass that crunched under the weight of each footstep, Ael knew he was moments away from having storm clouds descend upon him, but his eyes remained closed as he continued to blissfully pluck away at the strings of his guitar. He wanted to enjoy every last second he could of his fleeting tranquility. "What do you think you're doing?" It was tempting to simply ignore the person's words but Ael had learned from experience that this would only lead to further problems. Much like pulling off a bandage, this was a matter best handled swiftly. "Good afternoon. I was just enjoying a bit of fresh air. It's good for the creative process, you know?" Ael replied calmly, flashing a friendly smile as he looked up at the antagonist. "So to what do I pleasure?" he asked, keeping his tone lighthearted.

XXXXXThough clearly still a bit agitated, the person's features did at least soften a little as they let out a sigh. "I'm here because it's over a month since you went on your last job, and you've been doing nothing but "enjoying the fresh air" ever since." they explained. This was a met by a rather curious expression from Aelius. "Well I'm not hurting for money at the moment so why would I go on a job?" he countered, not understanding where the person's frustration was coming from. "It's not about the money, Ael. It's about the fact that you're an A-ranked wizard. As a member of Fairy Tail, you have a responsibility to not only the guild but the people of Fiore who rely on our services." they explained to him. "Responsibility, huh......."

XXXXXIt was here that Aelius found himself at a bit of a crossroads. On the one hand, he wasn't really sure how much he bought into the whole "responsibility" thing this person was trying to sell him on. If you asked him, whether or not he went on jobs was his own business and he didn't owe it to anyone but himself to see to it that he was meeting any sort of quota. Honestly, so long as he could afford the basic necessities in life (housing, food, etc.), that was all that mattered to him. However, it seemed that this person was rather passionate about this particular issue, so expecting them to back off was probably out of the question. It seemed that this was going to be a battle of wills and if that was the case, Aelius knew who the inevitable winner would be.

XXXXXWith a sigh, Aelius unequipped his guitar and pushed himself up and onto his feet. Without any words, he started making his way past his visitor and back into the guild hall. "And where is it you're going now?" his guildmate asked him. "Like you said, I gotta go do my civic duty and go pick up a job." Aelius replied as he continued to walk away. It was a bit of a pain, but it seemed necessary to return to his carefree lifestyle as soon as he could. Maybe he'd get lucky and some beautiful rich girl needed an escort on some lavish vacation. Far fetched but hey, a man can dream

Eighth Diviner