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:[ ARCHIVE ]: FATHER'S DAY 2019: Reverse Breedings

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:36 pm

It's that time of year when we all gather with our families to celebrate our fathers* on Telrunya.

Maybe your pae misses their dad, or moms even. Wouldn't they love to see their parents again!?

  1. Only Pae'il with 2 generations of progeny are eligible. Most Pae'il with no PC parents may enter. See below for exclusions.
    1. If you win with a first gen, your Pae'il will be modified to a second gen Pae'il,
    2. Any Pae'il "born" in a form that is specific to a first gen Pae'il cannot be entered. FOR EXAMPLE, the following cannot be entered
      • First generation Fae
      • First gen Flutters that hatched from a seed
      • First gen Sprites that hatched from a pearl
      • First gen Naga that hatched from an egg
      • Fallen
      • Maenads, Satyrs, Furies, Fates, Erotes, Graces, Spartans
    3. Fauny are a special circumstance, as some already have established canon parents. If your Fauny has established canon parents, you may enter for those if you wish. In this case, everyone related will need to submit an entry, and decide among themselves who gets which parent. (For example, for the Apples, the owners of Big Mac, Applejack, and Applebloom would all need to submit an entry.) Otherwise, you will need to convince us why the fauny's parents should exist, with a believable story that fits with the established fauny canon.
    4. Naiad subtypes came to Telrunya as gen 1, however a convincing story and background will be allowed. Females only give birth to whichever type they are.
    5. Hybrids without established parents can enter, but they can't have more than 2 generations of progeny
    6. The winner(s) may choose who to gift their second parent to if they wish, or keep them both.

  2. In this event, you must fill out the modified form included below.
    1. The essay should be written from the perspective of your Pae'il! Tell us about their dad. Or father figure(s) Or even their moms again!.

  3. You can enter multiple times, but you may only win once.
  4. This is for Reverse Breedings only. Regular breedings as a whole are closed.

[b]Pae Name[/b]: (link to cert as well)
[b]What Generation are they?[/b] (Currently. Please enter current 1st gen Pae'il as 1.)
[b]What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?[/b](It's okay to keep both)

[b]From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.[/b]


*This must include anyone biologically related, and can include 2 dads or 2 moms. No adopted relations are allowed for this event, even though we do appreciate and recognize adopted parents for Fathers's Day and how important they are..
PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:06 pm
Pae Name: Nightwing
Owner: Teigra
What Generation are they? 1
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?
Swift Strike - Bat Fauny Mother - Owned by Teigra
Shadow Flight (?) - Bat Fauny Father - Owned by Antidia

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Sighing softly, the bat-winged Fauny guard idly twirled the quill between his fingers while collecting his thoughts. It wasn't easy, both considering the contents of the letter he was working on, as well as the fact that his sentry shift would be starting soon. The evening hour was growing late, most Faun preparing for bed and sleep, but that's when his duty began. For now though, he dipped the quill tip into a bottle of ink and put tip to parchment.

Fair greetings from Laisidhiel,

All is well here at home. Repairs and rebuilding have wrapped up since last we communicated. I am pleased to report that upon regaining the ground lost, we are now making preparations to move forward with new improvements to security, training, and structure. As one of the few present with formal training and experience, I've been asked to aid with some of the improvements to the Tree's security and how we should move forward with keeping Laisidhiel and her residents safe.

On that note...

To be honest, the pressure is growing a bit hard to bear. At first, it was nice to be consulted and included, but now I'm fielding more questions about proper traiing methods, squad structure, weapons handling, armor design...it's getting to be a bit much. While I have more experience than most, I feel far from the expert that I feel the Tree deserves. I'll do my best, of course, to support, however...

I find myself wishing sometimes that you were both here to offer your expertise. And maybe...for other reasons.

No one knows how to whip a squad into shape like you, Dad. The ability to inspire others to push beyond their limits while instilling the discipline of a soldier. To make others feel safe by their mere presence. The Tree could use some of that right now, amidst such uncertainty. I know you would have some great ideas on how best to go about proper soldier training.

The Faun of Laisidhiel are great, don't get me wrong, and they are doing the best they can. It's just...so many of them have experience only as farmers. Not soldiers. They know their way around a plow or a rake, but not a sword or spear. Heh. Course, reminds me of what Mom could do with either. I still remember her smile when she told you, Dad, that no defense was perfect and that there was always an offense to counter. She even managed to keep from laughing too hard when she offered you a hand up after she knocked you on your tail.

I'll wrap this up, as I need to go on duty soon. Just know that we are doing well here in Laisidhiel and I pray you are faring just as fortunately on patrol. If ever you do get a chance to stop in, perhaps I could show you around the Tree and get your advice on improvements. The Head Chef makes a hell of a harvest stew, and the bar has a nice seasonal ale this time of year.

Just saying.

Your son,

Pushing back from the table, Nightwing stood and stretched, shaking out his leg muscles and flexing his wings. Time for duty. With a wave, he beckoned to his Mellon and handed her the parchment. "Short mission, friend," he smiled. "Deliver the message and report back to me when finished, soldier. Dismissed!" With a wave, he watched the small fairy zip away into the night with the message and made his way downstairs to his post.  


Shameless Shapeshifter

21,640 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Signature Look 250
  • Dressed Up 200


Invisible Lunatic

10,800 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Married 100
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:15 am
Pae Name: Logan
Owner: Daemongabrielle
What Generation are they? (Currently. Please enter current 1st gen Pae'il as 1.) 1st gen.
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?(It's okay to keep both) No clue right now. Like, maybe Merle(dad) and Trina (mom)

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Logan sat at the bar, his new hang out spot, and stared at the draft of ale in front of him as he thought about what about had transpired earlier that day. When Opal had let it slip that she'd sent letters to his parents, asking for their presence.
Opal sighed and threw her hands up in the air. "I thought it would help, Logan. You've been so down and depressed lately. With the...." she paused and stared at his bare spot that now stood where an arm used to be for a second before glossing over it completely. "Recent events, i figured you needed someone other me to help. You won't talk. You don't sleep. You're mood is sour. I was at a loss, logan. I'm sorry. "

Logan stared at her incredulously as she prattled on before asking "Help? They basically turned me out as a teenage girl, and let me go thru the biggest change in my life. ALONE. And scared. Why on earth would i want those cowards here? They'd prolly pat me on the back and tell me to man up. " he soghed and headed towards the door. "This was a mistake, Opal. You better find the mail carrier, cause if they actually show up, sea spirits help our friendship. " he warned before slamming the door so hard it shook the entire house.


Logan sighed and threw his head down on the table with a loud thump. Relishing the pain. His parents were a joke. He remembered their antiquated way of telling him about his 'change' and grimaced. Why? Why did she have to but her nose into things.

But as he sat there and wallowed in his misery, he began to remember other things. How his parents had forbade any gender prounouns in his house. How they had encouraged all aspect of his growth and activities that he had chosen to do. He couldnt help the smile as he remembered one christmas he had gotten a bat and a small doll in the same group of gifts, much to his grandparents chagrin.

He pulled his head up from the table and ran a hand thru his hair. Maybe they were rebels. He could also remember the argument that ensued that cristmas, between them and his grandparents. Something about stricter roles and setting an example. He remembered his dad tellig his grandparents exactly where they could stick their arbitrary ideas.

Logan sighed. He hrabbed his drink and swallowed it whole. Maybe what Opal had done wouldnt be so bad. He had actually thought a lot over his past these past few months and realized he wouldnt be who he was today without them.

Maybe, just maybe he could forgive his friend her actions. And maybe, just maybe they wouldnt actually show up.

But if they did, maybe it wouldnt be so bad.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:55 am
Pae Name: Tocino
Owner: Daemongabrielle
What Generation are they? (Currently. Please enter current 1st gen Pae'il as 1.) First
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners? Guevos (papi) and Chorizo (dad). Dont know on owners yet. So i assume me.

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Tocino smiled at the woman who had been helping him overcome his intense fear of people and lack of social skills. He had been coming here once a week. For the last few months. At first he had hated it. It took everything in him to get here. But as the weeks progressed, he had began to notice that the teip had become easier. And even if it was the only time in his week he left his house, he was beginning to look foward to it.

"Ok, Tocino. This week is about your family. Tell me about them and how they've helped you out during the struggle of your Anthropophobia."

Tocino nodded and pulled his bag to his side and produced a thick, handbound volume of photos and record of his history. The lady had mentioned this would this weeks topic and he had come prepared. "My family has been tremendous in their support. My father even let me borrow our history to show you. We come from a long line of breakfood foods." He paused and held the book up ao his therapist could see a grainy, hand drawn and colored photo of his grandmother, a small woman that had definitely seen many years of life. "This is my grandmother, Avena. She still lives with Papi and Dad. Sometimes, i help take care of her when they need to run errands. She is rather bland. Which i like. She doesn't ask for much and enjoys cinnamon sticks. She says they keep her young. "

He turned the page and this drawing showed a small statured male, who had a kind smile and tired eyes. "This is my papá. Guevos. He takes after my abuela. He is the one who started insisting i help care for grandma. I guess he saw it as a way to get date night with dad. " he pulled back the book and stared down at the image of his dad. "He never really pushed me to do anything tho. His main weapon of choice is guilt. " he admitted wi th a chuckle. "This man could make a sign post feel guilty for standing there doing his job. You really can't fight with him. He's very adept at getting his way." He explained with the care obvious in his voice. "So when he asks you to do something, you do it. "

Tocino rubbed a finger across his dad before turning the page and letting out a chuckle. As he always did when seeing his other father. He turned the book so his therapist coukd see what made him laugh. Inside the hand drawn portrait was a very large, very angry looking male who was standing there with his fists up fighting an imaginary person. "And this, is Chorizo. My other dad. I call him...well, i call him dad. Him and Papi have been together since long before i was born." He smiled at the therapist and pointed at the outrageous look painted across his dad's features.

"Don't let that snarling face fool you. Even tho he's a hot head, he would cry if anything happened to us. Or abuela. Or...any family member. He seems to feel things deeper than most and covers it up with bravado. So basically, he acts tough and mean but theres not really any force behind his words. " he said with a chuckle. "Man, he can be scary to deal with tho if you arent used to him. He's my healthy dose of motivation for when i wanna quit. He used to always tells me "Son? If you quit now, your Papi will fret and i can't deal with that. So do it or don't come home."

He sat the book down and turned the page to reveal a family photo of the four of them, hugging. "I guess they've helped me by just being there. It's what theyre good at. I mean, sure they meddle in my business and constantly ask for grandkids. But they also know i have fears and don't really do anything other than love and support me. Its nice to have that. They don't really force me. If i do things, they congratulate me."

He closed the book and turned to his therapist with a smile. "It's nice to feel loved unconditionally. I think that helps the most. Knowing that no matter what, i can't truly fail in their eyes. "  


Invisible Lunatic

10,800 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Married 100


Invisible Lunatic

10,800 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Married 100
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:37 am
Pae Name: Haku
Owner: Daemongabrielle
What Generation are they? (Currently. Please enter current 1st gen Pae'il as 1.) Yes
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?(It's okay to keep both) no clue on ownership, Vice (mom) Virtue (mom)

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Haku sighed and put his book down. He had been reading on the proper plant care of a Ambrosia flower for a week now and was no better off than when he started. The bloom was still sitting in his greenhouse, unopened and yet still alive. He had no clue on how to get it to open. He had assumed the right conditions but his conditions had been perfect so far. Right down to soil ph and amount of light.

He rubbed his eyes. This entire ordeal was getting tedious. He missed, dare he say it, having a life outside of this stubborn blossom. Sighing, he decided on having a snack. Food for thought. He pushed back his chair and went to his door only to be startled by a letter carrier upon opening the door.

"Letter for....Ech...echo...echi..."

"ECHINOPSIS, you fool. It's a fairly easy name." Haku growled, holding his hand out impatiently. When the letter carrier was gone, he shut and locked his door with a wave goodbye at his cacti, and moseyed on down to the kitchen while opening the letter.

What he read, was as follows.

Dear Echinopsis,

I, Vice, am writing to inform you of mine amd your mothers impending travels. As we have no wish for your dissapearence or theatrical excuses as the last few visits have garnered, we have chosen to wait until we arrive to send you this letter. Please come to the gate and pick up Virtue and I, as you know we do not approve of waiting ad will most undoubtedly be exhausted from our travels.

You parental guardians
Vice and Virtue

Haku paused mid step and reread the letter again. And again. This meant his parents were, no doubt, waiting downstairs for him to show up. Tho he did wonder what on earth they meant by dissapearence and theatrical excuses.

So he may have found an excuse or ten for them not to visit. Or he may have just dissapeared into his greener works and forgotten they had arrived. Or he might have run away that one time.

That was by no means an excuse to remark on his theatrics. He thought he had pulled off his escapes rather well.

He could remember his mother Vice, and her cold calculations and many, many experiments growing up. The weeks he could only eat certain thingsand the resulting 'playtimes' to measure for the change in his behaviour or intelligence. Those playtimes being board games or tests or reading and reciting history to test for the effects of deficiencies in one's diet vs. Brain involvement. Or the weeks he was measured, 3 times a day, then forced to run or excersize to test the endurance and possibility of stunts in growth.

He shuddered. Worse yet were his mother, Virtue's classic absentee moments where she walked into his son's experiments and nodded breifly and walked back out. Virtue was a genius when it came to everyone else's progeny. She was the fore runner in helping small fauns establish their life goals and motivate other's into being who they wanted or needed to be. She was a force to be reckoned with when she put all her focus on you. Too bad she had never put her focus on her son.

Haku shuddered and realized he was screwed. They were already here. But maybe, just maybe he could use them to his advantage. He could possibly have virtue motivate the plant inro blooming. There was scientific evidence that suggested that talking to plants was a proven benefit in their growth.

And Vice could help him, at the very least , figure out what he was doing wrong and why the plant wouldnt bloom. If this wasn't another weekend experiment for her to torture her son needlessly.

With a defeated sigh, he headed off towards the greeting area. Who was he kidding. This weekend was gonna be hell.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:59 am
Pae Name: Thulani
Owner: Daisicle
What Generation are they? 1
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners? Rudo (female - Daisicle) & Tendai (male - I have someone in mind, but I want it to be a surprise ^.~). At least one should be an angel, but an angel/demon pairing is ok too. It's worth noting that neither likely have Thulani's feline features, as he got those from a body edits potion

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Thulani was sat at his working desk up in Telrunya City, his eyes lightly reading over the script present on the paper before him. As always, it was his mother's handwriting; it would always be his mother's handwriting. His father wasn't one for reaching out and tended to fade into the background of his mother's gregarious nature, but it wasn't a bad thing. She was the foreground while he quietly supported in the back. Stoic and silent, but with a real heart of gold.

Even if he didn't often show his affection, Thulani knew he loved each and every one of his children from the bottom of his heart.

He could still remember it vividly, the night he'd left for the city. As the farm had been his mother's family, it was being passed down via a matriarchal succession... is what his mother had said as she'd encouraged him to leave. Efemena would carry on the traditions as the parents grew old, so there was no need to feel tied down. Part of him wondered if that wasn't just lip-service, but he'd accepted it all the same, packed his bag with what little items he'd had, and prepared to leave. The younger ones had been all over the place; Efemena was trying to play as the older sister, but her cheeks had been lightly flushed and her eyes moist; the twins had pulled quite roughly on his to try and get him to stay, while the youngest two had cycled through tears and sniffles as they clung to his mom.

His dad...? Well, his dad had given him a hug.

It was brief, but in that moment he could feel as though he was entirely safe. No words were necessary to convey what complex emotions his father felt better than that simple gesture. He'd done well through everything else, but at that moment, Thulani had almost cried.

Was that tears forming at the corners of his eye? Someone must have been cooking a spicy dish nearby. But still... How long ago had that been?

Yeah... Perhaps he would go back home sometime soon... It'd been a while...  


Aged Genius

Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 12:36 pm
Pae Name: Cassia
What Generation are they? 2
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?Mom: Ananya, Dad: Sabola (At the moment I will get both.)

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Please send help. They are torturing me here.
Your baby girl

p.s. Give Macha a hug and kiss for me and tell him he’s a good boy and mummy will be home soon!
p.p.s Please save me!

The young Wilwarin chuckled a little to herself thinking about her time in school in Sparks Hollow. It wasn’t all bad, though her past-self begs to differ. Cassia sits in a café in Breeheart village, looking through a scrapbook. She sips her tea and turned a page in the huge book. She started to laugh.

Dear Cassia,
You are a big girl. This is for your own good. Let me know if you are taken hostage. I will help then. But they get no money, only pain.


p.s. I will not kiss that thing.
p.p.s. No

On the opposite page, another letter is affixed to the page.

What do you need? How much? Who’s hurting you? Please write me back soon! I NEED ANSWERS!"

I love you, forever and always,

p.s. Macha is happy to hear from you.
p.p.s. I am sending cookies

A tear formed in the corner of Cassia’s eye. “I miss them,” she whispered. She closed her scrapbook and put it on the table. She glanced out of the window while taking a sip of tea. Children playing, their familiars running around chasing their charges. Cassia smiled and daydreamed of those innocent days.

I miss you most of all but don’t tell Mama. I know I wasn’t the most behaved child, or the smartest or even the brightest. But I did try very hard. For a long time, I didn’t think you could see the good through all the bad. I know now that you pushed me because you love me. I wouldn’t be who I am today, without your guidance. I’m sorry for every “I hate you” and “you’re the worst” I have shouted at you. I’m sorry for wanting to give up at every bump. Thank you, for your love and caring. Even if your idea of ‘caring’ is a lot different than mine – or most. Today, I am stronger. smarter a better person because you wouldn’t let me quit. I love you, Papa. I miss you. I want so badly to show you how far I’ve come. I’m doing you proud and carrying on your work and spreading the joy of spice. I will not let you down! I live in a place now where food is not just for survival. Everyone around me is working and perfecting their craft with all aspects of food. I have found my place with a spice shop. I'm successful because you loved me enough to not let me quit.

Cassia sniffled a little. There are little smears on the page where her tears landed.

I miss you most of all but don’t tell Papa. I love you and wish you were here. Thank you for having such a gentle touch when Papa’s was so stern. And for not telling Papa when I would sneak out. Papa may have shaped me, but you were there to comfort me and pick up the pieces whenever I fell down. It is through your love for me, and for everyone, that I am the best person I can be. I can only pray that I have just a gram of the compassion you hold in your heart. It has been such a blessing to have you as my mom. I wish that I can someday I can be a mother as wonderful as you.

As we celebrate parents this week, I can stop and reflect on my childhood and think about you and Papa. You two are the most important people in my life. Forever and always. I’m successful because you loved me. I can’t wait to see you again!

p.s. Please send cookies.
p.p.s. Give Macha a hug and kiss for me!
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 2:56 pm
Pae Name: Sunny Jones
Owner: Sailornorthstar
What Generation are they? 1
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners?Polaris And Dr. Jones

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.
Sunny scratched her head as she thought about her father Dr. Jones he had trained her and tough her the skills how to explore the ruins. This reminded her of one of the days that he was training her. When she realized that her father was much cooler than she had originally thought.

She had been a child he father was visiting her at Cronus house. When she had discovered that her fathers whip sitting on the side table and she picked it up. Feeling the worn leather in the handle Sunny picked it up feeling the weight in her hand she tried using it like she had seen her father practicing with it in the yard. Her small arms didn't make the snap that it did when her father did it Trying again and again casing her to cry why was this thing not working.

Dr. Jones had been watching Sunny quietly ready to act if anything had happened. Smiling he realized that Sunny was trying to copy him he moved in when he noticed what she was crying. "Hay little one don't cry it is ok." He said as he walked into the room and picked up his little girl. and held her in his arms. as he sat on the couch. "It took me years to master the whip this is a little to hard for you. How about I tell you a story instead."

I looked at him and nodded I liked hearing his voice. "Please tell me the story about you and mom and the mummy." This was a story that she enjoyed the most.

Sunny smiled as she remembered sitting in her fathers lap and hoped to hear his and moms voices again telling her about all the exciting adventures they had been on.  


Generous Giver

Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:36 pm
Pae Name: Autumn Crisp, Idalia Solaire, & Abraxas
Owner: Ru, Fable, & Teig
What Generation are they? 1
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners? TBD!

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about why your family is important to you, and why you wish to be united with them for Mother's Day.

Idalia flopped wearily into the wooden chair in front of her writing desk. It wasn’t unusual for the Faun to be this exhausted around this time of year what with all the preparations that needed to be made for the planting season, but it was different this time. She took a deep breath and sat up in her chair. She needed to get this letter done before she slept and did it all again tomorrow.

She rustled through her perfectly organized desk and pulled out her parchment and quill. Thankfully writing to her parents had become more a time of mediation than working to find the words. When they had first decided to ‘retire’ the farm life and explore the isle (all three of the siblings knew it was to see what new plant life lay beyond- those two were obsessed as any farmers got) she had struggled with it. She’d only known a life of them as a family. She was bitter, she would admit it now, even though they had been given an incredible opportunity to continue the family legacy. It had been hard to do so without her parent’s guidance. So, those few first letters had been short and difficult.

Now, though, she supposed she’d grown up since then. Whatever had finally softened her heart made it easier to gush about the harvest season, what was going on in the Tree, and the basics of life. The letters she got back were always much more thrilling to her and perhaps that’s what melted her heart finally. She was happy they were having such an amazing time, even if it didn’t make it any easier to have them away.

She brushed the feather tip against her forehead not sure how to start this one. She sighed and dipped the end in the ink. She’d just let it flow…

Momma Papa,

My head is still spinning from your last letter. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was a tiny bit jealous. I’ve never imagined a plant being able to do something like that and wonder how they might be able to help us next season if you all were able to bring some home with you.

I know I keep saying things like that, but I’m even more serious this time! Fall and Ax came to help me till the plot again this season. This year we decided we could handle a larger harvest and went all the way to the west corner. Do you know what we found? A freaking huge chest with Papa’s crest on it! What the heck did you all do!?

So we dig the sucker out of the ground and for a while we’re just dumbfounded by it. You don’t really till the land to find buried treasure. Papa, I don’t know what you did to this chest, but oh my gosh! We tried to pry it open, chisel out the crest, and even some things that we didn’t think the chest would make it through in order to open it. It didn’t budge. That magic on this thing must be powerful ‘cause it certainly got put through the wringer. There might have been fire involved one time.

So, basically, you guys need to come home and open this thing before we die of curiosity. I know how you two are with your pranks, but this has just gone too far! You never did say when you’d be back so you know just how much this is killing us. It's sitting in my room as I write this just burning at me.

In all honesty, though, we do really miss you guys. Finding the chest and taking a long detour from our work to try and get it open was a blast, but it made us homesick in a sense. Yeah, we’re home at the Tree, but it's you guys. You’re home for us. We miss the family dinners where Momma always made too much, the practical jokes Papa plays that never gets old, the way we can go off and immerse ourselves in our work, but always know we can come home after a hard day for tea or ale depending on the kinda day. You two are our rock, but also our place of peace.

So even though I am always teasing you to come home, this time I mean it. The three of us are in agreement that we miss you way too much! We promise to give you an equal share of the spoils in the chest if you do. I’ll be sure that preparations are made to get your old place tidied up if you’ll just send me the word.

Love always,
Fall, Ax, Ida
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:45 pm
Pae Name: Hanna
Owner: SSBrosB
What Generation are they? Gen 1
What are the parents' names, and their potential owners? TBD I'm terrible with names if I don't see the finished one first and probably me for owner.

From the perspective of your Pae'il: Please write about their dad why he is important to them, and why they wish to be united with them for Father's Day.

Hanna stared at the paper that she was supposed to write her feelings out on. It was an exercise that she had read about and had wanted to try it. Beatrice was taking care of Meztli at the moment, but she wasn't sure how long that was going to last. Apparently even pae without legs could get away very quickly, and it was hard to keep up with the little one at times.

Still, she wanted to try it. She hadn't talked or seen her father for so long, not since she had left home actually. And it wasn't because she hated him or anything, but her life had been so busy that they had only been able to communicate remotely and hadn't had the chance to meet up yet.

She heard Beatrice running around after the little half-snake baby and she sighed. Well, better get started. She thought before getting what she wanted out.

My dad is important to me because he made me who I am. Of course, he didn't make me into everything that I am, I think he would be quite surprised at the kids that I have had... well, I'm sure he knows what Venus' parties are like.

But he did encourage me to do everything that I wanted, not counting anything evil or illegal. He never put me down because I was a girl or that I was his only child. And while he's expressed the fact that he misses me quite often, and I miss him too! He never tries to guilt me into visiting him and in fact, often speaks of coming to visit himself. Unfortunately with the way things are now and the fact that he's still working, we haven't been able to get a time down yet, and now that I have yet another baby, it's even harder. Though I'm sure he would love to see both of my children, even if he won't know the other parent!

Sure, he has his normal worries about me, wanting to make sure I can take care of myself and wanting to make sure that I'm not getting into any trouble, but the best thing about him is being able to talk to him about almost anything that I want to. My worries, my fears, if I just want to vent, he's always there to listen, and sometimes likes to join in! Especially with the venting!

I would love to be re-united with him for Father's day since it would be the first time in quite a while since we will actually get to be in each other's presence and I'll be able to see my father face to face! And it would be great if he could meet the kids too! I'm sure they would love to get to know one of their grandparents!

Hanna would have written more, but suddenly heard the wailing of Metzli and knew that she would have to take the baby back now, and just as she turned around in her chair, Beatrice walked into the room, looking haggard, and holding a crying infant, and silently handed the infant to her. Hanna giggled. She knew that Beatrice cared for his little half-sister, but that didn't mean she was an angel all of the time.

She put the letter in the envelope, making sure to send it in the mail the next day.  


Springtime Noob

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