Greetings, it's rather unusual for me to show up in a place like this and make a thread, but I'm kind of running out of options anywhere else so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Just so happens, I'm looking for someone I could role-play with, preferable via Discord. I have few years of experience if not longer. I've been writing almost every single day, sometimes for few hours in a row or with slight breaks. You could say it's my second passion, right after drawing, and I tend to take it seriously.

I do not wish to waste your time and I hope you won't waste mine. I put quality over quantity, and I stick to that rule.

The Genres I have role-played so far:

• Horror
• Sci-Fi
• Medieval
• Fantasy(Including Dark settings)
• Modern times(Even though it's usually mixed with Sci-fi, Comedy etc.)
• Action/Adventure
• Romance(Even though I prefer it slow and realistic. I don't mind girlxgirl, boyxboy or any other type of ship..I guess?)

I am open for suggestions though, so don't worry if you're not familiar with these.

For the most part though, I prefer role-playing something from a specific source. I mean the setting of Shows/cartoons/movies, Books, Video-Games. (Games mostly xD)

I'm used to playing Heroes, Anti-Heroes and Antagonists but I feel better being male characters.

Some of the Games I have role-played in the past:
• Devil May Cry
• Resident Evil
• The Witcher
• Dishonored/Thief(These two are VERY similar so I put them next to each other)
• Assassin's Creed
• Prototype/Infamous/Team Fortress
• Sonic the Hedgehog

Once again; I am open for suggestions though, so don't worry if you're not familiar with these.

I'm fine with playing canon characters as well as fan characters. It really doesn't matter to me, even though I love being antagonists.

The last thing. I AM NOT a native American/English. I may do some typos and it might take me a longer while to reply, but I am capable of writing pages just to reply to one message you sent.

I'm mostly doing this for fun, and increasing my language skill.
If you're interested, message me on here or DM me on DSC:

#0017 JuffyMeister
Thanks for your time.