Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the "Secret Witch Club" RPG. This will be the Fifth RPG on this Guild.

RPG Type: Comedy / Supernatural

Setting’s & location: Tokyo, Japan, (Parallel Dimension). Chimera High School (South of the downtown area). In this parallel dimension 40% of the population are demons. These demons look and act just like humans except for having cat like pointed ears and tails. Demons are considered to be second class citizens even though they have the same equal rights that the human citizens have.

Theme / Description: In this RPG a high school teacher (Mr Chan) discovers an ancient, dusty book, with a pentagram on it, in the back room of the schools library. Unknown to him Mr Chan has become the chosen one by touching the book. After touching this ancient book the pentagram lights up and he feels power flowing into him. Afterwards strange, funny, and unexplained things start to happen in the school and to certain students. Alarmed Mr Chan opens up the book and starts reading it. He soon finds out that the person who touches the book unleashes magic into the world and becomes the chosen one. As the chosen one he is the only person that can help control and contain the magic that was released. Reading further he discovers instructions on how to teach humans and demons in the art of and control of their magic powers. Mr Chan decides to seek out the students that suddenly have magic powers and form a secret club for witches and worlocks.

Note: I would like this RPG to have a lot of comedy in it. I have noticed that a lot of Japanese High School Anime series have characters, especially girls, who get very emotional about a lot of different things. Some are serious, funny, mean, etc. In other words typical teenage behavior. I will be creating the Mr Chan's character and posting for him. Please create interesting teen and teacher type characters and have fun with it.

Starting Time Period - Monday 6/3/1998. 8am.

Character Types: Typical high school students and teachers (Both Human and Demon). Parents, family members, etc.

NPC Character Types: Same as the Regular Character Types above.

Weapons & useful items: Magic wands and books on sorcery and magic.

Magic: Light & Dark Magic (Many Types - Sorcery, witchcraft, etc). Note: Refer to Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, Charmed the TV series, and the Anime series Nejma!?

Mission / Goal - Refer to Theme above.

General RPG Rules: Posts around 150 words or longer within reason, follow Gaia TOS and Rules & Regulations, PG13 in Nature, Some gore & battle damage (Please don’t overdo).

Make sure to read all previous posts after your last post to see if another character (Regular or NPC) wants to interact with your characters (Use tags in your posts for specific characters), and to keep track of the progress of the journey / quest.

Note JP’s (Joint Posts) can be done: Two or more characters can do private messages back and forth to build the JP and then post it noting which characters were used. (Please don’t make JP’s too long and use a reasonable amount of time to make sure that the JP characters are able to keep up with the rest of the group). Make a title for your post.

Also beware of the date and passage of time. Dates will most likely be noted in my characters posts. Please post regular & typical RPG posts. Don’t do posts that mess up the ongoing story lines, Plots, Feel free to post interactions between your characters.

Have fun!!

Smithers456 Guild Captain