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Welcome to the Chatterbox!

This is the place to chat away about all things off-topic.
That doesn't mean you can't discuss things that are space or alien related over here though!

Basically, in this subforum, (almost) any and all subjects go, as long as they don't violate Gaia's TOS.
But, just to make sure we don't have ourselves any irritating situations, here are some basic rules listed for you.


exclaim All threads are OOC unless stated otherwise.
For those of you who've never heard of the term, OOC stands for Out Of Character. This means that you post as yourself, and not as any of your personas. If you do want to roleplay, you can choose to join one of our official ones, or start your thread name with "[RP]".
This rule has been put into place to avoid people being jerks and using the excuse "but it's just how my character is" to get away with excessive jerk-ness. Which brings us to the second rule...

exclaim Don't be a jerk.
Leave your personal beef with any fellow members at the Guild door. Everyone is here to have a good time, and I don't want anyone here to be personally attacked, harassed, bullied, or to have this forum be full of drama. There is no excuse if you do behave like one.

exclaim This isn't the place for contests.

There's a separate subforum for member-run contests, so it would be appreciated to post your contests over there. However, you are allowed to promote or advertise your contests in the Chatterbox.


If you have any questions about the chatterbox, feel free to send me a pm.
Your questions and the answers to them will be included as a FAQ in this post.

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