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════════════╣Background Info╠════════════



⋙//: Age: 22

⋙//: Weight/Height: 5'5 195Ib

⋙//: Race: Demon

⋙//: Job: N/A

⋙// razz ersonality: Quiet but observes everything. Not afraid of anything mostly..

⋙// biggrin reams/ Fears: To be a good accepted is her dream..her fear is to fail and be alone

⋙//: Sexuality: Straight

⋙//: Other: You will mostly find her in a bar for the music

⋙//: Likes
↳ Night time
↳ loud music
↳ observing how people act in life.

⋙// biggrin islikes
↳ jerks
↳ angels
↳ light

Shay has always been a quiet demon girl. Her parents was killed by angels forcing her to grow up alone. Being alone scares her so she goes to the bar for the loud music and see different people..reminds her of home. She has a special gift which allows her to use telekinesis; although she doesn't use it often..but it does get out of control sometimes. She observes people and how they act. She never really had any friends to keep her company. She has secrets and does anything to help her forget them. She is feisty to people only because she doesn't know exactly how to act around them.

╚══════════════╣Inventory ╠══════════════╝
⋙//: Equipment:
~ backpack with supplies
~ N/A
~ N/A

⋙//: Weapon(s): doesnt have any..she uses her powers to move things around.

⋙//: Character Theme: Requiem for a dream

⋙//: Battle Theme: dance with the devil by breaking benjamin

⋙//: Romantic Theme: Endless Love (Jackie Chan & Kim Hee Seon