Survival Outbreak
- Zombie Apocalypse -


Year 2020 / Day: 21st / Month: October / Time: 12:45pm. Location: New York...
Population: 1,350 / Deaths: Over a Million.

Dr. Allen: If anyone is alive please find me. I may have created a cure an antidote for the zombie infection virus. Anyone that can hear this message, I'm located in the middle of New York. Located at the Heart of the City. Once you have arrived in New York, I left a vial that contains the zombie virus. Please if you do find the vial, come find me at the Coney Island Hospital. The Vial should be located at North Central Bronx which should be on the 3rd floor in room 201. But be careful, every encounter you will face will be a situation where you will likely make sacrifices. But remember once I have the vial I should be able to make multiple vaccines which should make you immune. But that only depends if you can find the items I've asked for and bring them to me.

What happened 1 year ago?

U.S government hired top of the line scientist including Dr. James Allen. There job was to create a serum to enhance normal human beings into super soldiers. But due to the lack of power, something went incredibly wrong. With not enough staff or test subject's they used the last bit of man power, yes the security guards. Anyone able to take in the serum and see the results. A few months has passed and no luck with any type of results until the last month a outbreak occurred. Killing half of the scientists, Dr. Allen escaped with the few bit of Marines that were stationed to watch over the project success. But due to his escape so did the Infection was set free on the streets. Killing day by day, minute by seconds everyone was dead and reanimated as Zombies. Walking the earth, alone, hungry. The people became reckless and scared. Dr. Allen was never seen after the escape until now.

After a year has passed and now the United States has been infected by this virus. Not one not two but many have been killed and brought back from the dead. The only few states that have barricaded as a safe zone are likely less trusting as many you have met on the streets fighting back the horde with every less intention of dying. But due to the lack of survival, rations, water and even hope, there are still many that fight to see another day. You who have just realized the fact that now is not the time to goof around, just as your home was attacked, you and your family or yourself now has to rely on others to survive. Find the vial and take it to Dr. Allen, even with a sliver of hope it's enough to make you feel like fighting for. But as you wonder time and time again, and knowing the truth later. Do you still think "was it worth every sacrifice and choices I had to make to get this far?" That is up to you.

How does your profile effect you in this survival apocalypse?

In your profile you will be given 20 pts. Which you will decide to place them to the designated bar that I will design for you. Speed, Stealth, Endurance and Strength. After filling out your abilities I will decide your survival rating to which will tell you how long you can survive in this apocalypse, if your alone that is. But if you work together with other's who have better survival rating yours shouldn't matter. The better you find a stronger rating will improve your abilities even more. And likely reward you 1 pt. To which you may improve one of your abilities.

Also in this apocalypse the weight of a weapon does effect your stamina which allows you to run and carry items to a certain extent. The heavier lbs. The slower your rating of survival will decrease. And soon death. I trust that you know the difference between reality and fantasy. Treat it as real as you can get it to be. I will list the weapons that are available to this apocalypse and how much they weigh. Also the height does effect you in some way. How much you can handle in the field as well as rations. Taller you can have about 700 calories, as most those who are smaller can eat as much as to 100 to 500 calories per day. I did my research on the matter.

How can you alert zombies easily?

The Guide to which everyone knows about, Sound is the main key to there senses. Sound or Thermal heat which helps them detect noises of humans. When you see a zombie don't alert them with loud noises or music tones. Otherwise you will be running and then soon caught. Pick up a glass bottle perhaps and throw it to a general area and sneak off. This will help you get pass a small or big crowd. And no the whole acting like a zombie does not work. You would have to be dumb to think that would work. This is not Shaun of the dead. Also make sure to remember guns or any type of explosives can also alert big crowd of zombies which will make your life a living hell and no this is not Left 4 Dead where you can suddenly take a blow or two and live to tell the tale. Game mechanics stay in the Game world. Zombies Strength is a lot higher and can probably amount to a Horse kicking his back hind legs at you at a stronger force which can knock you back easily, trust me the force to which you would take would be vital. Likely you would have a broken rib or two and likely be hard to breathe after a sudden impact. Think smart and don't get fantasy mixed in with real life physics.

And Lastly, the biggest help I will have to give you is... Make sure what you eat isn't infected or rotten. Due to normal circumstances, outdated food like fruit or bread can effect your immune system which can make you sick. You won't die from it, but it will effect you in a way where you wont be able to move. Which can decrease your survival rating easily. So make sure it's not showing any bruises or mush or mold. Eat healthy fruit and food, also killing an animal do make sure to cleanse it before cooking. Even with health and fitness death can happen anytime and anywhere due to lack of importance.

Following the Rules

When you join this role play, you understand everything to the bits and pieces. Even if you have a lot of experiences in role playing and story time. Means little to me if you can't follow them. When you send me your profile I expect everyone to title it. "Survival 101" This allows me to know what RP your joining in. Also put "RPFLA" next to the title, this also helps me what Guild this RP is in, like many I have been in alot of Guilds. But not on GaiaOnline. Some I have been in Fan-fiction and other Role playing websites.

Next is the obey rules. Some rules must abide to the Terms of Service which is located probably on the My Gaia platform. Hover your mouse over it and probably find rules or the T.o.S which stands for Terms of Service.

+ No Cyber - Clearly enough I like to remind everyone that this is not allowed whether on private chat or public, take it somewhere else. I don't need to see it nor does everyone want to read it.

+ No Killing without permission - If you tend to kill a role player, notify them first. And then to me if they gave you the approval. That way I can put a Deceased over their profile so other's may know. But if they don't comply to your demand, do not go any further or enforce it. Otherwise I will find a way to punish you. No this is not Slave and Master get that out of the gutter. Unless your character is created to serve someone that is up to you. But remember the No Cyber rule.

+ No Godly Powers - In this RP no one has godly powers or immortality, everyone is human and can die. If a character dies you can be given a choice to make a new character and have him rejoin the group or join it later on.

+ PG.13 - This is the ruling on the T.o.S and this guild I expect you all to follow it.

+ Romance can be encouraged - Just remember no Cyber. But I will allow kisses or hugs.

+ Be Respectful to your peers - Whether outside or inside, you know the difference between being rude and being respectful to others. If you expect some respect make sure to give it back.

+ Lastly Follow the Terms of Service - This is a Major ruling and law which must be abide if you want to keep role playing or play mini games or talk to your friends on chat or in game. But you already know, no one reads the rules and easily forgets. But reading it can also save you the trouble of getting into trouble. So if you have time, read it.


When making a character, make sure you have one already created or as a back up. Because making a character is not easy when your sitting down at your computer. It takes time and effort when making a character that suits your or his/her personality. The character to which you portray interacts with other RPer's characters. Interacting as a Dialogue, showing, moving or talking the character is a little bit of yourself. Because of the thought, it really does count. The role you take and create from that bubble expands even further, even when your not noticing it, changes happen during battle or socializing. Which time and time again you adjust to the new setting or scenario and other characters you make friends with or become enemies.

Making sure to keep the story more interesting.

To keep it interesting is to create a story of your character and sentences to which helps other's work with so they may do the same for you. The longer your Paragraph the better information you will get out of it. of course everyone has that roadblock where, your left with little to type and express. It's okay if you have a roadblock and your brain starts to hurt, take a break and get something to energize your thinking cap. Don't force out words, you got time on your hand so make good use of it when your sitting there thinking too hard.

Knowing the Roles

Now I'm looking for a few roles and from there your creativity can be anything except a powerful warlock who can summon demons from the underworld. Or Dead pool who can break the 4th wall. "Aw I love you too" ugh...

I will play the roles I need filled and the rest is up to you.

+ Marine - Someone who has experienced death before and knows how to survive and take leadership. He or Her is likely the one who will have the best overall survival rating. Which can improve any role 5 pts.

+ Medical Assistant - Someone who has seen death multiple times but never gives up to help others when they are injured. Also know the basics to the advance of helping and healing others with the skills they learned in medical school. This role can improve any role 4 pts.

+ Hunter - A survivalist who knows how to hunt, know what is what by looking at it, basically what is good to eat and what is poison. They are also multi-tasked as a fishermen and have the knowledge of catching food. Which improves any role 3 pts.

+ Cook - The most independent role there is, this role your basically someone who has a lot of history cooking culinary perfections so you know what is healthy and what is not. And you know how to make medicine and know how to craft it. Improving roles by 4 pts.

Any other role is chosen by me by pt rating. So you may get a helpful heap of 1-6 pts. Along with the 20 given to everyone.

This general Area will be the Profile Layout as well the Bar to which your Abilities will be placed under your profile. I will edit this Box soon.