Heya people, Tal here. I'm generally a really creative person so RP appeals to me in a big way. However I'm very scatterbrained and have a hard time staying focused enough to have the patience for 'pretty' posts. Also I'm very chill with my writing style. As long as you can be understood and continue the story I'm happy.

Quick intro to me. I am incredible, when I'm motivated. I am rarely motivated. It sucks but denying it or trying to act like it's not true just makes me seem like a p***k in the end. I kinda am but I'd rather it be on my terms. Anywho, you're not here to listen to me b***h.

So I want to start by saying. I have NO issues with fandoms or original RPs. I do however need to fully understand a character before I'll take up an existing character in a fandom. Which means I'm up for anything where I'm not starting at a disadvantage. So you want a supernatural rp? well I don't know Sam/Dean/Cas anymore so I'll make a new hunt group with you or make an OC for one of them no prob but I can't play any of them. You want a rp with something i watched recently like Fairytale? no prob I can be anyone.

As for WHAT I'll rp? Well I'm pretty flexible with everything. I don't really do drama 'poor me, poor him, poor everything' crap and I get no pleasure from hearing about how the blood from that guy is dripping off your hands. Other than that as long as you have a solid plan I'm generally easy to please.

Also to clarify 'i want someone to love me for me (five minutes later) I want that hot guy to marry me now' is drama bullshit. 'My father beats me but I cant do anything' is conflict. It has a point at which the character can move beyond the base problem and grow. People mistake drama and conflict a lot because they have many of the same components but drama as per my personal definition is unnecessary social harm you bring on yourself and others for sake of attention or validation. Conflict is problems which are out of the character's reasonable level of control or drama which can find a resolution and allow the character to move forward with their lives.

There is really no way to deal with attention seeking behaviors that has ever proven effective. You give it to them you are feeding the addiction. you take it away and someone will see their pain and feed their addiction in your stead. In life this is a wall that takes time to summit but in RP it's an endless cycle with no realistic end and is very grating on the nerves.

That said there are other conflicts one can use. Such as money issues, aggressive NPCs, Cultural/social differences, and basically any problem you've ever had in real life plus many that involve dragons, magic, time travel and anything else you can think of. Seriously I've had enough of the 'im a shy tortured soul who everyone spits on'. It's crap it's overplayed and if you want that there are plenty of people around to feed your needs. I'm not one of them.

With that out of the way I am always willing to mix new characters to fit your ideas. just shoot me some context details and I'll make you someone tailormade to your needs. I have more fun creating characters than I do at any other stage in most cases. So please please please give me a challenge.

some other things I'd rather avoid include M-preg, genderbending and overly feminine acting characters. I put yaoi in the title of this because I want men... if I wanted women I'd ask for them. We can get all in the details about sexism if you REALLY want but let's face it this is for fun and the fact is this is how my life is painted so if you wanna get preachy just go over to facebook or something. I am a flawed and shallow human being. I admit it, I accept it. If you can't, just navigate away and move on with life we're both none the worse off for it.

Anyway I'm flawed, I'm shallow, I'm an a**. However I'm honest and I want the same, I am creative, I'm flexible, I am fun and I love to make my RP partners(especially their boys) happy and satisfied with their experience with me. So if you want a ride or even if you just want proof I'm everything I say I am then please drop me a PM and I hope to hear from you soon.