I'm a pretty literate roleplayer, and have been roleplaying on and off for quite a few years now.

By a few years, I mean nearly eleven. I'm old... *shrugs*

But, what am I seeking?

Hope to here from you soon! ^-^


1.) The Dragons Hymn

The creation myth of the land of Kalivin tells the tale of two sibling gods. They each ruled over the two chief planes of life: The "Outer" universe, or the physical realm, and the "Inner" universe, the realm of the spirit. By the relinquishment of their own flesh, they gave birth to the land we call home. They have since fallen into slumber.

The Capital of Kalivin, Averost, has a small legend of its own. Long ago, when the land was young, and Averost was only just a small village, there arose a great beast from the earth. It was born not of either god, but was powerful indeed. But just as it had thought to quench the land in fire, the beast heard the tunes and songs being played by a young bard. Soothed and enchanted by the young mortals skill in song, the beast made a proposition with the lad. If he were to play a song of the beasts design, the beast would fall back to sleep. The bard agreed.

And then, as the years went by, the bard who was playing the beasts song became quite famous, and people traveled from afar just to hear the melancholic notes the bard could play. Soon, the small homestead turned into a bustling metropolis, with many new bards trained in the way to play this hymn repeatedly even into the dead of night. It's Averost's most interesting feature. The same song is played constantly.

However, these are just legends. But something is now amiss in the city of Averost. There have been several murders, but the guards are keeping who has precisely been killed a secret.

They don't know why, but at this point it's become quite clear: The murderer is targeting the bards.

I was thinking of something a little on the episodic side. Where the two characters would meet up in some form or fashion (would like to discuss this via message so that we can work out the details. :3) and would get to doing some investigating on the murders.

So...I have several themes I want to play on with this particular RP:

1.) Horror
2.) Romance
3.) High Adventure/Epic Fantasy
4.) Lots of action and possible tear jerking moments.
5.) Steam punk possibility?

That's just the first plot of many! I'll have more up soon, but am currently looking for someone (a female, please) to discuss some details about the roleplay. Just hit me up in my PM box and we can get this show on the road!