I am Pro-life! Life begins at conception! Life is precious no matter how he or she was conceived! Stop the lies, stop the murder of countless unborn babies! The unborn should not have to pay the price for something he/she did not choose to happen. The unborn did not force themselves upon there mothers, they should not be killed over something they had nothing to do with. Every child deserves a chance to live, even if they are to be born with a disability/birth defect! God has a plan for each and every child that is conceived! Please I am begging you, if you are pregnant and are considering or have decided to abort your child, your gift from God..Please Please Please dont do it! that child deserves the chance to live! Please have faith, that god has a plan! A plan to give you hope and a life! For you and your unborn child! No matter how hopeless it looks, there is always a light in the darkness! *gets down on her knees* Again I beg you, please don't kill your baby!

If you know someone who is thinking of or is going to abort there child I beg you to please stop them!

March for Life 2015 Rally