surprised rigin()/pre12/c93b/th/pre/f/2015/123/a/3/ollintek_anti_war_poster_by_theseus232-d8s34i8.png" class="user_img" alt="User Image" />

It's been 10 years since I've issued an order for war and none can

surpass this one in particular, the only reason why I say this is because most

of these young men and women don't have much to live for other than living

or fighting for what is up to them, these employees, these mercenaries, these

security personnel, and the knights and pawns, have no families of their own

and most were orphaned at a young age, or have become homeless after

their time in service, but now they serve either three of the factions who I am

their chief executive officer, their president, their golden king.

It doesn't take much long to convince them, well other sources who've heard

of my plan sought to expose me as a tyrant and well for what I do it is my

freedom to do so and its not that I want war on our own doorstep, it's that I

can that says I've got freedom to raise my hand and declare war on

everyone's doorstep, even if my death were to occur, this war will still wage

on because their loyalty towards me is infinite and their respect can never

be broken no matter the mental trauma they're in or physical anguish they're

put through, they do their job to hold their part of the deal. But I am kind at

heart, so, if my death did came to pass then after 2 decades they can

declare peace with each other so that enough blood can be spilled. Still this

Interviewer has more tricks in his sleeves and I will be back but not here to

issue another war, but to see the aftermath of what was born out of that

conflict and as of now, it's been 10 years, I'm still alive, and the war still

continues to boil and to see that other countries want to see this as an

opportunity to step in and choose their favorite side only shows that all

governments wish to take the spoils of war and gain more power from the

war I've created. Maybe this war can finally put a wedge in the mentality that

war is not the greatest solution to solve everything, including religious beliefs

or pride, perhaps these terrorists should get to see that if they joined this war

then the only thing they'll be getting is a bill on the number of graves they'll

have to dig up for their cannon fodder.

Well seeing that all type of wars can cause problems, I don't have any to be

said or filed. Mortality rate is fairly balanced between all three factions.

Moral is well exceedingly high in OllinTek's Raiders Corps. since they're all

mercenaries who loves getting paid. The Monarchy is, well getting a lot of

negative attention from countries not invaded by them. And surprisingly

Chimera Ops. is getting a lot of positive outlook and praise from the middle

and lower classes in society, though OllinTek got the upper class in the

palm of their hands. Yet when it comes to resources, both OllinTek and

Chimera have a substantial amount to keep em going and going, but it seems

that an army that follows medieval times, plundering is what gives

the Monarchy a better stand in resources and raw materials, but, their dead

is well relieved of their armor and gear and are handed down to new recruits

or new officers and the bodies are just left to rot on the battlefield. At least

the other two factions have a better way of treating their dead. Right now

all three factions are doing a fair job in this war and the further they go,

the further I can get results from each battle and the more I can study on their

weaknesses and strengths. So until then, I'll keep vigil and study more.