Rules of the Subforum

Welcome to the RPFLA 1x1 Subforum! As the name suggests, only roleplays between two people may be posted here. There are no limits on the number of character you choose to play, just on how many people are part of the roleplay.

-Follow Gaian TOS and Guild Rules, No 'Cybering', 'Take it to PMs', etc...If your characters are about to get hot and heavy, fade to black.

-Follow the Tag System, the system will be posted below these rules.

-In Your Roleplay, please include a 'No Cybering' note in your rule section, or your thread will be locked. Your roleplay must have a plot. If you wish to brainstorm roleplays, or simply post a profile for a character you'd like to play, please use the OOC subforum.

-Be respectful of fellow members, no flaming, god-modding, or foul language. A few casual curse words aren't anything we're worried about, but deliberately offensive, foul language towards another member will not be tolerated.

-Remember that moderators are here for you, and feel free to PM any member of the crew with suggestions or questions, we're here for you!

-Have fun!.

The Tagging System

We are implementing a code 'tagging' system for roleplays. Especially as we've now condensed roleplays, this should make things easier for you to spot a roleplay you'd be interested in at a glance, whether to play in or to read. It will take some getting used to, but when you've gotten used to it, it's super helpful.

The code will tell you whether a roleplay is open or closed, the preferred sexuality being played, and the literacy level. For example, an open yaoi roleplay for a beginniner might read.

[O][Ya][A]Random Title Here. [Open, Yaoi, Advanced, Series].

Rather than searching through various roleplays, you can now see at a glance all the technical details. Here is a master code.

[All]=All sexualities/multiple sexualities welcome.
=Beginner Literacy Level.

We'll have a two-week grace period while people adjust to the codes, after that, threads posted without the codes will be locked until you PM a moderator!

Thank you!