General Information
Name: Mioshi Zakira
Alias: Mio
Birthdate: March 19
Age: 16
Birthplace: Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Current Residence: Tokyo
Family Business: Zakira Health Co.
Class: 1-B

Visual Appearance:
User Image

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 119
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Fair
Voice: Soft
Clothing and Style: Traditional

Overall Personality: Shy
Likes: Book and Learning
Dislikes: Cake
Strengths: Medicine
Weaknesses: Fighting
Fears: Spiders
Strange Gestures and Obsessions:

Social Life
Family History: Daughter of a the Zakira Health Co. that was started 50 years ago by her grandfather and the only heir to the company.
Personal History: She is a daddy's girl that just was transferred to the school to try and make friends.
Hobbies: Flower arranging.
Special Skills: None
Primary School, Middle School, and Extra-School Activities: Nurse aid