This rp is about 2 warrior princes who are brothers who set off on a journey around the world to find a purpose in life they first set off on this journey together, but due to them always fighting they split up for a while, they both find a girl who wants to go with them. After awhile the two brothers tell the girls about their brother & that they split up. The girls convince the brothers to look for each other. The brothers do that, & set sail for a new land on a rumor & find a land called Kamigawa. This is a land that is a third of the worlds land mass & is completely unknown to most people. It is a land ruled by Kami, & japanese demons & gods. The humans there worshipped these gods, but are currently in a state of rebellion against their gods, this causes the princes to get involved to see which side of the fence they're on & with them being two different people they find each other at a disagreement on what should be done so they split up again, but they see each other a lot more this time, because they are now generals in separate armies & are constantly battling each other. The females plot together to get the brothers back in each others graces & get themselves mixed up with this war as well.

Also they both wear the same uniform just in different colors due to their different military training, one wears the loyal jay uniform (my avatars clothing) & the other the loyal cardinal uniform (the red version of my uniform)

Post or pm if interested.