Ren Shironami Gitsune's secret training facility,unknown to the academy.

This is a System of caves that have been carved and shaped to suit certain training needs for Rens personal students and can only be accessed via her Cards. Each cavern deals with a specific element and holds a jewel that can amplify the power of those who train there.That said this power comes at a price,if one so chose he or she could master the elements better than most in this place. Yet,they may lose their humanity along the way. The closer toward the center the more powerful the demons lurking in wait and the Miasma's corruptive influence. While some demons can offer wisdom or aid,others demand "payment".

Lumens Carvern: This is the first cave of the cave system. It is filled with Topaz and moonstones that fills the room with brilliant light like that of the sun. This is the strongest source of the Light Element in the caves and the safest.

Aquas & Glacies Grotto:This is the second cave in the system. There are many places where there are spots of land here and there scattered among the cave,but it is mostly filled with water. There are sapphires that distort the view around you so that you feel like your underwater. The landscape deeper in is perpetually frozen and suitable for ice users, the Cavern itself is warm, verdant, and inviting. It is the most peaceful and spiritual place in all of the caverns. This is the strongest source of the Water Element and Ice Element in the caves.

Solum Solace: This is the third cavern in the system It is a catacomb full of Emeralds and polished crystals and they shine with life. . Inside the interior still lie ancient stone structures, a waterfall and pool, and the luminescent green crystals that give the place its glow.This is the strongest source of the Earth Element in the caves.

Ignis Ember: This is the fifth cave of the cave system. It is filled with Rubies and phoniex motifs that fill the room with they fiery red light so you feel you in the heart of a flame.The rest consists of black rock, which is fairly smooth on the floor but much more bumpy and rough along the sides and ceiling. In certain places along the cave wall, the rock is sharp and pointed, though this is seen only sporadically. This is the strongest source of the Fire Element in the caves.
Ventus's Play Room:. The cavern is very spacious and peaceful, has an airball arena. Several of the doors and mechanisms are operable only through means of wind techniques taught in the cavern. It features a meditation pavilion, an open area to practice airbending forms, and rotating gates, which form an ancient training tool dating back two thousand years. The mechanism is assembled on top of a raised circular platform and used primarily to teach pupils of the bending art's fundamental principles. The gates are initiated by a gust of air, and pupils maneuver their way through the gates by employing circular movements.This is the strongest source of the Air Element in the caves.

Tonitrus Perch: One of the most dangerous caverns, lightning will strike wherever you stand if you have any metal on you. Otherwise the strikes are random.The air feels charged and your body hairs will stand on edge. Be carful here.

Tenebres Core: This is the very heart of the cave system region. It is filled with Obsidian and Shadow Crystal fog that reflect back dark reflections of those who enter the cave.This black fog is produced by the light-absorbing shadow crystals that the cave naturally produces that can only be dealt with with strong Holy and Light energies . This is the strongest source of the Dark Element and Shadow Element in the caves and is also layered in a thick Miasma haze that weighs down the air. The only significant thing it holds is two small jewels that have ancient charms and spells embedded into their jewel surface, and an underground lake whose waters are stained black . Inside each jewel a powerful being is sealed.