Well my input is that I personally would like to play a Fable based Mutants and Masterminds game or even the homebrew if it accomodates such things.

Failing that a generic supes game.

This Fable?

Or like A fable?

Rain Yupa
If I get a vote, I'd say either 3:16 or Mutants & Masterminds with Mongooseh!

Sorry, in puzzle mode.
I instantly go to bible stuff.
Damned puzzles.

And yes, the home brew fits any scenario really.
Especially since bulletprood vests are more DR than AC anyway.
I always hated AC xD

Fables as in the old stories. I've been reading a comic lately called fables and it seems pretty cool.

I'm with you, I'd love to play in an classic fable story. None of that urban fairytail stuff though,