A figure steps to the stage, a silouhette of what seemed to be a suit stood patiently behind a dimly list podium the crowd was dead silent...enough to hear the almost irritated tapping of the shadow's foot, unaware the microphone he stood in front of was actually on...he spoke candidly before anyone could stop him;

"Assassinations, Espionage, Rescues....Hell....I could be an escort right now....but THIS?! How did a job like this wind up on my desk?!....In any case....the money is good...I oughta shoot the winner myself and take the-......huh?....Dammit..."

The lights finally brightened, revealing a grey haired individual. His irritated expression spoke volumes about his current demeanor. It didn't even seem to bother him that he spoke so poorly about the event he seemed to be hosting. With a light dusting off of his jacket, he turned his attention to the crowded audience.

"Right then, In light of...well...apparently this was for no apparent reason...A tournament has been issued for all fighters across dimensions and lands....Every participant will have an opportunity to brawl, shoot, and slash their way to victory...The first fight will be a no holds barred rumble...from then on...we will really test your mettle....mettle?..who the hell says this kind of stuff?"

The Host tosses the index card and put his hands on the wooden surface as he leaned into the microphone again;

"The prize is unknown....Don't get you a** kicked too hard...and more importantly....there is no prestige to the rather new contest...so no bragging rights for you idiots that pour your heart into this thing....you greedy bastards though...stick around...there might be something in it for you guys....."

The man quietly turns and steps away from the stand and off the stage.

...The silence was quickly washed away by the eruption of cheering from the oddly excited crowd.