I think you girls might enjoy this site. : ) I just remembered it as I was typing a (very late) reply message to someone. sweatdrop It's a site that I found about a month ago from a Facebook ad on the side of my page as I played Sims Social. sweatdrop Anyway, it's something that I've shared with the girl I was replying to and my cousin, and that I am posting here now!! : D It's for Christian girls to get together to inspire, encourage, and help strengthen each other in Christ. : ) It's got really good articles on pretty much everything by a girl named Nicole who used to be a big Hollywood model, and is saved now, plus other contributing bloggers every now and then. It also has forums and a live chat. The live chat, Nicole herself will stop in once a week for.

Check it out!!! Become a Project Inspired girl!! <333 : D