Been continuing to sketch and push myself. Got advice the last time around to try out some crisper lineart ....

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And you know what, I think it went quite well.

I also tried doing some vague backgroundy things ... you know, establishing an environment? Here a nice shady forest!

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And some more dynamic poses that have been a real challenge .... I'm trying to keep these loose, quick, and focus moreso on relaxing and making more dramatic, expressive poses.

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The outfits are actually Tune Troopers, from this hilariously addictive iPod game I got ahold of, Song Summoner Encore... the premise is reeeally fun, your songs get converted into "troopers" for you to fight with in the game! I translated some original characters' theme songs and wound up with these. They've made for a great warmup :3

As always, C&C is lahv lahv lahv!