[ Character Sheets ]

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[ Premise/Foreword ]
I'm going to try doing this in a different way. The system will not be dice based, and instead RP based. I know it'll be an odd system, but I'm Ironing out the kinks anyways.

[ Setting Information/Background ]
See Tyria: Tyria-Guild Wars Wiki

[ Game Introduction/Plot ]

The Group shall be members of a budding order, seeking to Eradicate the Elder Dragons haunting the earth. Like the Durmand Prioy, the Order of Whispers, and the Vigil, you know that the Dragons must be defeated if the the world is to survive. However, you don't follow any of the specific dogmas of these orders. Like the Priory, history holds power, like the Order of Whispers, secrets guard ancient magics, and like the Vigil, nothing beats a good sword. Will your order finally beat a dragon?

[ Character Creation ]

Since this is RP Based, I'm not going to require a stat system. If you're willing to be fair about your creation, I will not pull a DM version of "c**k-blocking".

Races: See Races of Tyria-Playable Races
Alignments: Please no Chaotic Evil. The other Evils have their place, but Chaotic Evil is simply an excuse to watch the world burn. Ex: Lawful Evil doesn't always Equal Tyrant. Sometimes it can smply be someoe who places a code or law system above morality. Neutral Evil doesn't have to be malice and destruction. Sometimes they value knowledge and logic more than they do Morality.
Pantheon:Humans Believe in the Six, Charr have killed their Gods, Asura believe in the Eternal Alchemy, Norns Believe in the spirits, and Slyvari follow the Pale Tree and the Dream.
Backgrounds: Critical! Without Background thou shalt not play!

[ House/Optional Rules ]
