Joining a roleplaying game on The Dungeons and Dragon guild is easy but new users feel confused about how to approach the situation.

Well don't fret new members! Uncle Gooseh will show you how it is done.


This is the easiest and most obvious of all steps, most of you have already done it.


Joining the guild will give you the rights to post in topics and make threads.

Simple right? It only gets harder from here.


This step requires a small amount of work on your part but as long as you are not blind it should be easy.

Look for new games being created in the main forum. The sub forums contain games currently running and may not be looking for new members. So look for "Interest checks", "Recruitings" or "Generic game title" in the main forum for new games.

If you have no interest in the new games in the main forum, look a sub forum game which is active and find out who the GM (game master)/DM (Dungeon master) is.

Which brings us onto our next step...


Joining a game can be a simple or complex matter depending on how you approach it but I'll cover two ways which is commonly done on the guild.

If you have found a new game starting on the main forum and are interested in it. Simply post in the recruiting thread that you wish to play since usually new members get priority in games (GM/DM's discretion) and will be told as soon as convenient by the GM/DM whether or not they want you to play.

Do not let this stop you! You rarely find someone who doesn't accept more players unless the GM/DM has hit their player limit.

If you are looking to join a game currently running I suggest private messaging the GM/DM telling them that you wish to play if they wouldn't mind having you.

Then you wait for a response from the GM/DM and celebrate or move on to another game.

Now that you have finally been accepted into a game we move onto the final step.


If step three fails you completely and by the dice lords I hope it does not roll a natural one on the search roll. Then you can do one last thing!

Post a thread searching for a game.

This is generally known as GM/DM drafting and is generally slightly frowned upon as a FIRST resort.

But some GM's/DM's will step up and run a game if a need arises especially if you don't say it like how I did in the example.


My personal favourite step. This step can only be done if you have been accepted into a game.




See you around!