yes I wanna participate and win but does that mean I bneed to know how to copy/paste idk how to do that never won anything b4 in any raffles because of this..
I just cannot grip it I tried to ,sighs...
sweatdrop No problem! This guild is all about helping you get the hang of Gaia. Cutting and pasting is a very useful skill here. I'll use our form for this raffle to show you how.
Current Guild Post Count:
+ 20 = Goal Count of [/color][/b]
1. Use your mouse to
highlight what is in the gray box by moving the cursor arrow to the beginning of it, holding down the left key, and dragging the mouse to the end of the whole box. You'll see it change color. Let go of the mouse button.
2. You can
copy in one of three ways. Either
Click the RIGHT button on your mouse and click "Copy" from the pop up menu, or
Click the Edit menu button at the top of your window and click "Copy" from the menu that opens, or
Hold the CTRL key down and click the "C" key.
3. You clearly know how to make a post. Click "Reply" to start a new post and
Paste into the post box instead of typing. You can paste in one of three ways, too:
Click the RIGHT button on your mouse and click "Paste" from the pop up menu, or
Click the Edit menu button at the top of your window and click "Paste" from the menu that opens, or
Hold the CTRL key down and click the "V" key (like a symbol to insert).
4. What you copied will appear in the post box, and all you have to do is go back and add the answers to each question in the form. Please let me know if you have any further questions!