There is always that element of guilt when I lose a pet. I wonder could I have done more, noticed signs earlier, given them better care. But in the end I usually know, deep down, I did my best... things just happen. Little herps, especially, often lead short lives (my guess is because so many small reptiles and amphibians are WC. But IDK, really.).

But this time, it was my fault. It wasn't on purpose, but it WAS my fault. And I feel just awful. I have had my treefrogs for 2 years now and they are healthy and hardy. Well, they WERE... now Oberon is dead, and Mab is a widow.

I had, like, 4 Critters 2 Go shows in a row. Between the 3rd and 4th, I don't know how it happened, but somehow I thought I had put everyone back in their enclosures and tanks. I hadn't. I got up for the 4th party to load everyone into their carriers. Oberon was already there. He was in his carrier, the wet paper towel I always put in with the froggies was bone dry. He was alive, but I was scared. I put him back in the tank, in the pond area at the bottom. I took Mab to the party instead. (I SOMETIMES bring both, but to put less stress on the little guys I have taken to letting them take turns. I do that with the crabs, too. Though I usually take a couple crabs at a time, just not EVERYONE... mostly because someone is always down buried.) I left Oberon to recuperate. He was still alive the next day, and the day after that and I thought maybe he would pull through. But this morning, I found the little guy dead.

I am so sad. Not like ********* dying sad, but sad. Mostly because it was directly related to my negligence! I would feel bad anyway, but because I FORGOT him after a show, he is dead. crying

I don't know if I will get Mab a new mate. Maybe if I find one exactly her size, but it always seems the reptile expos have babies (that Mab would EAT). and the pet store greens are BIG and would likely eat her.

I just feel so bad. RIP Oberon.User Image