Here is where I will explain what each of the individual forums are for.

The main forum: This is where announcements by me and the staff will be going. It is also where we can introduce ourselves and get to know one another.

The Suggestion Box: This is where threads addressing ideas for shops will be placed. So if you need help figuring out how to do something, ask it here for our members to assist you.

The Wanted Realm: This is the forum where we will have threads that ask for different things, such as: customers, staff, lineart, etc.

The RP Zone: This is where we will place any RPs we want to do, such as: RPs for specific shops, RPs that are a mixture of different breedables, and random RPs.

Dea's Tavern: This will be the section where we will be having random discussions, such as: about a movie that might have just come out, fun games, about life, etc.

Recycling Alley: This is where all the old threads go.

Dea's Realm: This is where the crew will meet to discuss things for the guild.

Pet Alley:This is where our members can show off their various pets they have.

The B/C Collective:This is the place where we can get to know the shops that are part of this guild. Each shop can make their own thread, allowing us to see what shops we have and it can serve as an extension of the shops.

The Helping Hand:This is where threads will go for people who want to offer their talents to the B/C world, such as: those who can do lineart, coloring, templates, banners, etc.