Contests, Charities, and Giveaways Rules and Guidelines
Please read and follow

Being nice is... well, nice! Here in guild, we are glad if others would be willing to help those in need. Here are some basic rules for each category:

Contests Rules and Guidelines

- Post a contest about anything you'd like (e.g. Bump Contest, Dream Avatar Contest, etc.).

- Contests must have prizes. If contest owners do not have the prizes promised, they will be removed from guild and will be dealt with accordingly (e.g. reported for fraud).

- Keep all contests and posts PG-13.

- This is strictly OOC (out of character) and to be used for your Gaia pleasure.

- Prizes should only include Gaia items and gold. Do not use real money or real objects.

- Bumping is allowed.

- All rights reserved. Which means you may not discriminate who can or can't join a contest.

- Never give your password to anybody who asks for it!

- Follow all individual contest rules.

- Do not beg for anything. Beggars will be removed from the guild as a warning.

Charities/Giveaways Rules and Guidelines

- Post a charity about anything you'd like (e.g. "Dreams Come True" Thread, Dream Avatar charity, etc.).

- Charities be able to obtain their own gold and items to give away. They can, however, say they are closed due to lack of funds and can open when they have enough.

- Keep all charities and posts PG-13.

- This is strictly OOC (out of character) and to be used for your Gaia pleasure.

- Items given away should only include Gaia items and gold. Do not use real money or real objects.

- Bumping is allowed.

- All rights reserved. Which means you may not discriminate who can or can't join/participate in a charity.

- Never give your password to anybody who asks for it!

- Follow all individual charity rules.

- Do not beg for anything. Beggars will be removed from the guild as a warning.

Any offenses should be reported to a crew member.

With that said,